
Often, I get questions from readers on what my workouts look like post baby. Those of you with little ones know you have to maximize your free time, because there isn’t much of it!Accordingly, my workouts are usually around 20 minutes, but that doesn’t mean they are easy.I mentioned I started training at the YMCA and love it! The atmosphere is family oriented and high energy–the members truly use their membership at this branch. Another bonus, child care for members and employees. There is a time limit, but I wouldn’t be able to be a personal trainer without this!Although, Cooper would be a fine sitter.But, his rates are too high.Back to using my 20 minutes effectively

Read original article: 

20 Minute Treadmill HIIT Workout – Blonde Ponytail

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No, I’m not having a momentary spelling blip, that is definitely Hiit with two ‘I’s. Hiit actually stands for High Intensity Interval Training, and if you’ve seen Kick Ass you’ll certainly be feeling as hard-core as Chloe Moretz’s character of the same name after 30 minutes of this!The studio, exclusively for women, is a vision in pink. Pink walls, pink exercise balls, pink mats – it’s a girly girl’s dream. But it doesn’t exactly scream intensity.

Source article: 

Natalie Tries: Hiit Girl | Sportsister

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