
Schedules are one of the main reasons why adults don’t exercise, but new research suggests that high intensity interval training (HIIT) can be a time saving alternative to endurance training. HIIT means doing a number of short bursts of intense exercises with short recovery breaks in between. Along with being more time efficient, HIIT is also a safe alternative to traditional types of long-term exercise.Get HIITSeveral research studies including Canada’s McMaster University indicate that HIIT stimulates many of the same cellular pathways that are responsible for the beneficial effects associated with endurance training and increase skeletal muscle oxidative capacity (how efficiently muscles use oxygen).

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Fat Burning Workout: HIIT Harder for Rapid Gains | Muscle & Fitness

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Train less, achieve more: The Benefits of HIIT Training November 12, 2013Blog, Fitness Samantha Whitaker trials Hiitgirl – a 30-minute workout that’s the equivalent of more than two hours’ traditional exerciseHiitgirl, as you may have guessed, is high-intensity interval training (HIIT) for girls. HIIT is really having a moment – and here’s why: alternating bursts of intense, anaerobic exercise with short periods of recovery provides the same benefits as hours of cardio in just a fraction of the time (a study at Canada’s McMaster University confirmed that 2.5 hours of HIIT training provides the same benefits as 10.5 hours of slow cardio). HIIT also raises your resting metabolic rate for up to 24 hours after exercising, and significantly improves your VO2 max (the maximum amount of oxygen that can be taken in during an exercise session) – in other words, your endurance and stamina. What’s more, constantly switching between exercises challenges different muscle groups in turn, so that none suffer too much from wear and tear.Hiitgirl founder Susan Dyson launched her 30-minute sessions in Harrogate, and has just opened her first studio in Crouch End. It’s a beauty: cosy but contemporary with (mostly pink) modern equipment, incense candles burning and words of encouragement on the walls.

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Train less, achieve more: The Benefits of HIIT Training | Hip & Healthy

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Few weeks back I was in New Brunswick with a bunch of fitness professionals.One of the people at the fitness mastermind was Brad Pilon. Brad is well known for his research on intermittent fasting.Before we ate lunch, Dan Go and myself did a quick interview with him.Enjoy!Rick Kaselj=========================I am over here in New Brunswick, Canada at a Fitness Mastermind meeting and one of the guys at the meeting is Brad Pilon.Dan Go and I are going to ask Brad a couple of questions about what he does.Rick Kaselj: Dan, I will get you to introduce yourself. Dan Go: Hi, this is Dan Go from I am very glad to be talking with my friend right here whom I consider to be the father when it comes to intermittent fasting. Rick Kaselj: Brad, introduce yourself.

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An Update on Intermittent Fasting with Brad Pilon | Exercises For …

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People are always looking for quicker, more effective answers to the age old question of how to lose weight and HIIT is one of the methods which has sprung into the limelight over the last decade. Many trainers recommend high intensity interval training as their ‘secret weapon’ against fat loss and today we shall look at it with you.This method can be used by those with a performance related goal, such as those training for a sporting event, as well as those looking to increase muscular strength but primarily it’s adopted by those trying to find ways to shed unwanted body fat. Today we’ll show you how and why it is so popular.In addition we will give you a few dieting tips to help you get more from your hard work in the gym. By putting a good HIIT routine alongside the simple basics of a good diet plan you will reap the rewards most people spend their lives trying to achieve. We know far more about exercise than we did two or three decades ago

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Will You Lose Weight Faster With HIIT? ~ Weight Loss And Fitness

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Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic.Powered by WP Greet BoxWordPress PluginDisclosure: I am being compensated for partnering with Vitamin Water Canada on this campaign and was also provided with a personal supply of Vitamin Water Zero to sample. All content is reviewed and approved prior to publishing. All options are those of the contributing author.Ready for a good sweat?!

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Shape up and tone your body at home #spon – Fit Mom…in Training …

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