
Getty ImagesIf I had a nickel for every time a female client told me they didn’t want to lift weights for fear of “getting bulky,” let’s just say I would have lots of nickels. While, yes, there is a purpose for dieting and cardio, the truth is that lean muscle cannot survive on the treadmill alone. In my experience, weight training still seems to be the biggest-kept secret for fat loss.You should know that unless you’re taking supplements to enhance muscle growth you won’t get bulky, because your body simply doesn’t have the hormones to get there naturally. Cardio only burns calories while you’re performing it, but strength training has what is known as the afterburn effect.

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How to Shed Fat With Strength Training – Health News and Views …

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Hi! How’s your afternoon going? Hope you’re having a great one so far! I stayed back from hiking to catch up on some work, and also enjoy a rare treat: a nap! So good.Today, I have a new workout for you that’s a mixture of two of my favorite things: Tabata and strength

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Tabata and strength workout! Build and burn – The Fitnessista

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Cardio (Pyramid Style): -3 min walking (warm up) -HIIT Jog (level 1 time length) Sprint (level 1) Jog (level 2) Sprint (level 2 – increase time) Jog (level 3 – increase time) Sprint (level 3 ) Jog (level 4 – increase time Sprint (level 4) Jog (level 5 – increase time) Sprint (level 5 ) Jog (level 4 – decrease time) Sprint (level 4) Jog (level 3 – decrease time) Sprint (level 3) Jog (level 2 – decrease time) Sprint (level 2) Jog (level 1 – decrease time) Sprint (level 1) -3 min walking (cool down) Abs:-Cable rope crunches-Decline crunches holding plate-Russian twists holding dumbbellDollar a Day Training: Downloadable version includes time, incline, and speed specifications for the cardio intervals, further details on the pyramid style, and step by step instructions for the ab workout; I included my personal training tips and exercise descriptions for the abs movements.buyFor the week’s combo pack (meal plan & 5 workouts): buy Confession: I worked really hard up until the holidays to ensure that when I took my Christmas vacation, I could take a more relaxed approach to healthy eating and workouts. I found it difficult to jump back into my normal routine when I returned home and found myself in a bit of a motivational funk. If you can relate…it’s okay – it happens to so many of us. I usually take those times to get an extra bit of sleep, do extra stretching, use an off day to get to yoga…anything to help my body recover.

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FitnessBarbie: Pyramid Style HIIT Cardio & Abs – 1/29

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Cardio: -3 min walking (warm up) -25min HIIT Inclined walking Inclined run Complete rest Sprint Complete rest ….repeat -3min walking (cool down)Abs:Cable rope crunchessuperset with bicycle crunchesCrunches with knees upsuperset with reverse crunchesDollar a Day Training: Downloadable version includes time, incline, and speed specifications for the cardio workout and sets/reps and step by step instructions for the ab workout; I included my personal training tips and exercise descriptions for the abs movements.buyFor the week’s combo pack (meal plan & 5 workouts): buy I’m addicted to cardio workouts that get me super sweaty! It’s those endorphin-releasing, feel-good workouts that we should all be after :) Fitness Barbie Gym Style:Top: Lululemon Shorts: Victorias Secret Tip of the Day: Get creative, especially when it comes to cardio! I will admit that, as a self-proclaimed cardio bunny, I do like to stick to the treadmill; for me it’s safe because I know I will have a good workout on it 95% of the time.

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FitnessBarbie: HIIT Cardio & Abs – 1/8

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Cardio: -3 min walking (warm up) -25 min HIIT Interval 1: sprints (10 min) Interval 2: burpees (5 min) Interval 3: inclined sprints (10min) -3 min walking (cool down) Abs:-Raised knee crunches-Standing rolloversx3-Bench knee ups-Plank with hip twistsx3Dollar a Day Training: Downloadable version includes time, incline, and speed specifications for the cardio workout and sets/reps for the ab workout; I included my personal training tips and exercise descriptions for the abs movements.buyFor this week’s combo pack (meal plan & 5 workouts):buy Happy 1st sweat session of the new year! Find a way to make it great and kick of 2014 in the best way you see fit! Fitness Barbie Gym Style: Top & Shorts: Lululemon Shoes: Nike Frees Tip of the Day: Macronutrients vs. micronutrients.

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FitnessBarbie: HIIT Cardio & Abs -1/1

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Hi Everyone!Today’s Day 9 workout was intense! It’s a 15 Minute Cardio HIIT workout. It utilizes plyometric moves to burn fat, and get your body working at a high level of intensity. I definitely felt the burn during this workout. I followed this routine up with 2 miles of running on the treadmill while Jesse went through the workout

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30 Day Challenge: Day 9: 15 Minute Cardio HIIT Fat Melting Workout

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Lets face it you want to lose weight, look good, be healthy? all diets are the same in their goal and all do the same thing with their different approaches. You need to reach a caloric deficit if you want to lose, period.Your body needs a certain amount of calories in order to maintain its current state depending on your level of activity. Based on your age, height, and activity level. So basically you are what you eat more or less.Before we go into food, lets look at two ways you can achieve a caloric deficit.Cardio:Cardio works because you achieve a deficit by expending calories, and yes it does have it’s uses.

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Intermittent Fasting: How I lost Weight – UrbanQ8

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Long Duration Cardio (LIIS) VS High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)There has been an emergence of different running events the past few years, and more people are getting hooked joining the fun runs from 5km runs to full marathons. It seems that every fitness aficionado gears up for the upcoming long cardio run every weekend. But lately, more and more commercial gyms are advocating the ‘short but sweet’ type of cardio workouts in the form of HIITs. So which is more beneficial? We analyze the pros and cons of each workout and look at the how each fare against each other.Long Duration Cardio, aka LISS (Low Intensity Steady State) is a form of cardio program where an individual runs at a low to moderate intensity over an extended distance or duration (30 minutes or more)

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Long Duration Cardio (LIIS) VS High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT …

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High-Powered HIIT Playlistby Chelsea GancYou don’t want to miss the boat on this one! Our latest HIIT workout playlist pairs perfectly with a metabolism-revving rowing workout (or other cardio exercises)! Kick off your half-hour cardio sesh on the oft-overlooked rowing machine with a motivational anthem from Britney Spears, followed by six energizing songs between 140 and 160 beats per minute to help you get a good rhythm going.Alternate rowing (or your cardio of choice) at a high intensity with 90-seconds of sculpting moves until Coldplay comes on, in a catchy, little-known mashup by Swedish House Mafia.


High-Powered HIIT Playlist – Be Fit, Stay Fit Blog – Leisure Fitness

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“How I Cut My Cardio Training Down to Fraction of the Time and Burned MORE Fat with Self Defense Training.” Tabata Training for Self Defense by Damian Ross High-intensity interval training ;(HIIT), also called ;High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise …

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The Self Defense Company's Combatives Blog: Tabata Training for …

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