
He and She Eat Clean: Monday Night HIIT – Football Inspired High Intensity Interval Training ” /> Monday Night HIIT – Football Inspired High Intensity Interval Training Fall is definitely in the air! The football season is well under way. Why not get in on the action with a football inspired HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) cardio routine? Here’s one of our new favorites: Monday Night HIIT Some High School football fields to not allow you to access the actual field; however, they will let you use their track.

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Monday Night HIIT – Football Inspired High Intensity Interval Training

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09.16.13 by wildmanlax This cycle will take us up until Thanksgiving. At that point we’ll be re-testing and starting a new phase for winter. Email or comment with questions. I’ll be posting links to the movements. For the fall, we want to focus on speed and strength; we’ll work on endurance/conditioning as we approach the Spring season

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wild man lax | lax hiit 9.16.13

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I woke up feeling slightly flat and just did not feel like hitting the full bodyweight workout. I decided instead to make it a Tabata day! That turned out to be the right choice. After the stretching regimen, I had a good, challenging, solid, BUT short workout! I did, however, substitute the rope jumping for the Tabata cardio, which I have to get back to

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Monday-September 9, 2013-Strong Tabata Workout – BodyBlogs …

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-3 min walking-30 sec side shuffles (right side)-30 sec side shuffles (left side)-abs-60 sec rest-60 sec sprint-abs-60 sec rest-30 sec side shuffles (right side)-30 sec side shuffles (left side)-abs-60 sec rest-60 sec sprint-abs-60 sec rest….repeat entire workout an additional 1 time-3 min walkingDollar a Day Training Program: This ab workout is integrated as intervals right into the cardio; for the specified ab exercises with reps and speed/incline specifications, download today’s dollar a day training program! I included a few of my tips from this workout, such as how to make it a “booty building” workout and two explanations of advanced versions of ab workouts to make those abs pop! buy Video on my Instagram Daily Dose of Motivation: “PASSION: knowing exactly what you want and stopping at nothing until you get it.” I’m passionate about passion! Why? Because for much of my life I lived without a fueling passion; don’t confuse passion with happiness – I’ve lived a wonderful life full of happiness, but many of my actions and words were made without passion

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FitnessBarbie: HIIT Cardio & Abs – 8/27

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Tabata and HIIT workouts are here to stay.  Both workouts are based on a brief period of intense exercise followed by an exercise of lower intensity or a rest period.In the case of HIIT training, the participant does about one minute of a high-intensity cardio exercise, followed by a lower intensity exercise that can be either cardio or strength based.  My favorite form of HIIT training is to do a high intensity cardio exercise (burpees, mountain climbers, power air jacks) followed by a strength training exercise that uses multiple muscle groups (clean and press, split squats with bicep curls, lateral lunges with lateral shoulder raise).  It’s a good way to get a full-body workout in a short amount of time.Below is a HIIT workout that you can do at home with minimal equipment.  To get the most benefit from the workout you’ll need a set of dumbbells in the five to 10 pound range.Ten Minute HIIT WorkoutBefore you begin, do a warm up for about three minutes.  Walk or march in place, or back and forth across the room, while doing arm swings and circles.Then, complete all of the exercises in the following circuit for one minute.*Note – the cardio exercises are intense, but they only last one minute.  If they seem hard at first, just know that they will get easier each time you do them.Cardio One – Mountain Climbers – from a plank position with both hands and toes on the floor, quickly exchange your feet as though you’re running place on your hands for one minute.  If you can’t do a full minute when you start, no worries.  Take a little break and start again when you’re ready.Strength One – Clean and Press  – With a dumbbell in each hand, squat making sure you push your hips behind your knees.  As you come up from the squat, do a bicep curl with both arms. When you’re back in the standing position, push both arms overhead and do a shoulder press. Return to the squat position and repeat.(This picture shows doing the clean and press with a kettle ball.  If you have a kettle ball and want to use it, that works. A dumbbell works as well.)Cardio Two – Plank Jacks – from a plank position with both hands and toes on the floor, do a jumping jack with your feet (hands stay in place) as quickly as you can for one minutes.  As with the mountain climbers, do as many as you can at first, rest, then start jumping again.Strength Two – Stepping Lunge with Bicep Curl – with a dumbbell in each hand alternate stepping feet out to a lunge position while arms do a bicep curl.Cardio Three – Burpees – you probably remember these from P.E

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A Ten Minute HIIT Workout You Can Do At Home.

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It is safe to say that the reason why people start to exercise, join gyms and/or buy workout DVDs is to lose the unwanted, unattractive FAT on their body. The need to lose fat has given rise to countless products and gyms offering the solution to this very goal. But which of these fitness solutions can deliver the results to fat loss? To burn fat calories, a person must ultimately be active and consume quality foods on a regular basis. I think most of us get this concept, “Be Active – Eat Clean”…but how?

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Metabolic Resistance Training: Fat Loss Burner | Tribe Fitness …

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