
Cardio: -3 min walking (warm up) -25min HIIT Inclined walking Inclined run Complete rest Sprint Complete rest ….repeat -3min walking (cool down)Abs:Cable rope crunchessuperset with bicycle crunchesCrunches with knees upsuperset with reverse crunchesDollar a Day Training: Downloadable version includes time, incline, and speed specifications for the cardio workout and sets/reps and step by step instructions for the ab workout; I included my personal training tips and exercise descriptions for the abs movements.buyFor the week’s combo pack (meal plan & 5 workouts): buy I’m addicted to cardio workouts that get me super sweaty! It’s those endorphin-releasing, feel-good workouts that we should all be after :) Fitness Barbie Gym Style:Top: Lululemon Shorts: Victorias Secret Tip of the Day: Get creative, especially when it comes to cardio! I will admit that, as a self-proclaimed cardio bunny, I do like to stick to the treadmill; for me it’s safe because I know I will have a good workout on it 95% of the time.

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FitnessBarbie: HIIT Cardio & Abs – 1/8

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Two of our favorite excuses for holding onto a few extra pounds and being out of shape: Too little time and too little money. Gym memberships and personal trainers can be very expensive, but they’re not required for getting the body you want. Today I was introduced to Tabata training, also known as “the four-minute miracle fat burner.” It takes very little time and you can easily do it in a small space (like a studio apartment in New York City).RELATED: The At-Home Tabata WorkoutThere are a few different ways to structure a Tabata, but you typically pick one cardio activity (running, jumping rope, biking) or one exercise (burpees, squat jumps, mountain climbers) and perform it at your maximum intensity for 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of complete rest, and repeat seven more times.

Link to article – 

Tabata Training: The Perfect Workout for Busy Moms | Shape …

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View Comments Many people who are trying to lose weight tend to avoid resistance (weight) training for a fear of “bulking up” or “getting bigger”. In spite of what many believe, resistance training is absolutely critical for weight loss, weight maintenance and overall good health. Here are 5 reasons why resistance training is especially beneficial for weight loss. 1

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5 Reasons Why Resistance Training Is Necessary for Weight Loss

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Let’s get right to the point, seeing as you’re coming to this page because you need a quick workout. This Tabata workout is full-body, rockin’ hard training that gets in and gets out. Just how I like it.You’ll have 4 Tabatas with a 1 minute break in between each, totalling 20 minutes. Make sure you include a dynamic warm up and cool down!


Fit In Heels: Burn the MOST calories with Tabata Tuesday #4!

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Jazzed Up Jacks and Jumps Tabata WorkoutJazzed Up Jacks and Jumps Tabata WorkoutJazz up your cardio routine with our Jacks and Jumps Tabata workout! Complete each exercise as fast as you can for 20 seconds each with 10 seconds in between each exercise for a total of 8 exercises/1 tabata. Change it up and complete each exercise 8 times for a 32 minute tabata workout! Who said Jumping Jacks can’t be fun AND give you a phenomenal workout?What you’ll need: Jump Rope, Gymboss or similar interval timer, water.Jumping JacksSquat JacksSquat ThrustJump RopeSquat JumpsJump Side to SideBurpeesHigh KneesParticipants of this workout should speak with their doctors about their individual needs before starting any exercise program.

View this article:

Jazzed Up Jacks and Jumps Tabata Workout – Skinny Ms.

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