How it works This quickfire workout uses Tabata training, a method developed in Japan that trains your body’s aerobic and anaerobic systems at the same time. Doing the circuit under Tabata rules will burn fat and improve your VO2 max (the maximum volume of oxygen you can use during exercise). It will also induce excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), which gives your metabolism a boost after your finish exercising and encourages further fat loss. In Tabata training you perform each exercise by counting time rather than reps.

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Tabata training protocol | Men's Fitness UK

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HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is still a relatively new phenomenon in the fitness world, some people claim it is the quickest and most efficient way to lose fat fast, while others still prefer going for a light jog or a walk. What Is HIIT HIIT stands for high intensity interval training, which means you perform a high intensity interval (+80% max heart rate) followed by a low intensity interval. The most common HIIT technique is a 30 second sprint followed by a 1 minute walk. The intervals are usually repeated for 10-15 minutes. A light warm up is recommended due to the increased chance of injury associated with high intensity activity, a 5-10 minute warm down is also recommended.

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Effective fat burning workout, HIIT – Learn why – Warrior Bootcamp …

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As you know the Tabata Training Method is a high intensity workout consisting of 20 seconds intense workout following by a 10 second rest period and then repeated 7 more times, totalling up to a 4 minute workout.As easy as this may sound, it’s actually intended to work you harder than you would in a normal 60 minute gym session. Why? Because for each of those 20 second bursts of exercise you should be working at your optimum level without fail.It does and will hurt, particularly the first few times, and it’s for that reason that we recommend starting off slower and building your fitness levels before giving it 150%. But once you’re working out at your best you’ll achieve those results you’ve always wanted.Why is Tabata so effective? The main reason is due to your Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC) which is an increased rate of oxygen intake following intensive exercise.After exercising your body will go into a recovery mode and oxygen is transported round the body to help it get back to its normal ‘resting’ state.What this means is that that your calorie consumption will increase and fat will be broken down and released into the blood where it is used up as fuel more quickly to restore itself.The effect of this is greatest straight after exercising and gradually reduces, but can last up to a total of 48 hours post-exercise

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Why is the Tabata Training Method so effective? | TabataLive

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If you are sprinting because of the increase in EPOC, you are a fool. Those of you have been following the SuppVersity for quite some time, now, will be familiar of the term “EPOC”, which refers to the amount of oxgen that is consumed in excess in the post-exercise – or, in order not to overcomplicate things, the excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, or, even simpler the amount of energy your burn after a workout because your mitochondria area “still on fire”.Assuming that you have read those of the >1250 hitherto published SuppVersity Articles that were dealing with this issue you may remember that I have repeatedly pointed out that…… the contribution of the actual energy consumption that is caused by the “EPOC effect” would be absolutely irrelevant, if the calories in vs. calories out equation was as simple as mainstream dietitians and lifestlye magazine authors still like to present it to their clients and readers.Now you know better than that, so that I don’t have to tell you why I do even care about the results of of a recent study from the Universities of Central & West Florida (Townsend. 2013).

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More Than 3x Higher EPOC Induced Energy Expenditure With HIIT …

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If you are sprinting because of the increase in EPOC, you are a fool. Those of you have been following the SuppVersity for quite some time, now, will be familiar of the term “EPOC”, which refers to the amount of oxgen that is consumed in excess in the post-exercise – or, in order not to overcomplicate things, the excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, or, even simpler the amount of energy your burn after a workout because your mitochondria area “still on fire”.Assuming that you have read those of the >1250 hitherto published SuppVersity Articles that were dealing with this issue you may remember that I have repeatedly pointed out that…… the contribution of the actual energy consumption that is caused by the “EPOC effect” would be absolutely irrelevant, if the calories in vs. calories out equation was as simple as mainstream dietitians and lifestlye magazine authors still like to present it to their clients and readers.Now you know better than that, so that I don’t have to tell you why I do even care about the results of of a recent study from the Universities of Central & West Florida (Townsend

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Than 3x Higher EPOC Induced Energy Expenditure With HIIT vs. LISS!

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Metabolic resistance training (MRT) is a relatively new development in the fitness industry. Metabolic resistance workouts are intense. They don’t look like your standard weight-training session, but their results cannot be ignored.How Metabolic Resistance Training WorksThe goal of MRT is to maximize fat loss and muscle growth by taking advantage of your body’s various responses to exercise.EPOCMRT accelerates fat loss through the Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC) phenomena. During an intense workout, you consume elevated amounts of oxygen to fuel your body. After exercise, your body is in oxygen debt, so you continue to intake oxygen at a higher rate until you gradually return to your steady state.


Metabolic Resistance Training: The New Way to Burn Fat and Build …

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There’s always new fitness training methods and buzzwords popping up.Some things stay the same, but maybe called something new.That’s the case with MRT or Metabolic Resistance Training, which has actually been around for quite some time.It also has many different names, such as EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption).Whatever you call it, it seems to be gaining popularity these days and rightfully so.What is MRT?You’ve probably heard of circuit training before right?Again, the concept is really nothing new.The new term for this in fitness is Metabolic Resistance Training.What exactly does that mean?It basically means that you are doing shorter, higher intensity workouts moving quickly through the exercises in a “circuit like” fashion.It’s basically combining resistance exercise with cardiovascular training.What this does is “rev up” your metabolism to burn body fat.Let me explain.Your body is in oxygen deficit for many hours post exercise (hence the name EPOC).The key to MRT is short, intense exercise programs that increase your body metabolism.  The end result is a fat burning machine, so to speak.Research has shown that there are great benefits following this type of training.The major benefit is that after resistive training, your body’s metabolism (how your body burns energy) is ramped up for as many as 38 hours post exercise (in a study by Schuenke, et al).That’s a pretty significant result.You work out and your body continues to burn calories for many hours after you’re done.This effect is known as the “afterburn effect“.This is a major difference from aerobic conditioning, such as running on the treadmill for an hour.This type of exercise only burns the calories during the exercise, not for the hours after, as is the case with resistance exercise.Strength training essentially continues to burn the calories while you sleep, while at rest, and maybe even up until your next workout.And here’s another benefit of resistance training as compared to aerobic exercise alone.Building lean muscle makes it easier to lose fat.Why?Because muscle is much more efficient at burning calories.  Fat is not.By adding 1 pound of muscle, your body may burn up to 50 extra calories per day.This says that muscle tissue is a highly effective component of an efficient metabolism process that helps your body to burn body fat.MRT or Metabolic Resistance Training may be a newer fitness buzzword, but the concept is proven.This type of training provides for endless training options, especially if you’re limited on time.You can have quick, highly effective workouts that will help to blast the body fat (with the proper nutrition, of course).So, think about training “metabolically” for fat loss, increasing strength, and enhancing performance and energy.The long cardio routines can be beneficial too, but not to the extent of MRT and that type of training DOES NOT create an “afterburn” type of effect.If you truly enjoy long cardio routines and your goals are running marathons or other endurance challenges, then continue to do so.But if your goals are fat loss and lean muscle building, MRT is a great training method for these results.

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Metabolic Resistance Training | Rdella Training | No BS Strength …

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