
I personally love to fast and as our body goes through it’s elimination cycle up until about midday, it is best to not have big breakfast, but rather have easily digestible juices that give your body the nutrients need, alkaline the system while not putting too much pressure on the energy reserves of the body in having to digest food while it is going through its cycle. I believe you should eat during a 6 – 8 hour window and then allow your digestive system to rest for the balance of the 24 hours. A lot of our energy is taking up by having to digest our food so giving your digestive system a break will enable your body to put more energy into healing itself and will strengthen your digestive system and thereby your immune system as a high percentage of your immune syst em’s effectiveness comes from the digestive system…. If you don’t have digestive health, your general health is questionable.By fasting you will improve the beneficial bacteria in your gut, this supports your immune system and when you have a healthy immune system you won’t come down with the flu’s or coughs or colds, you will be less likely to get sick , you will feel better in yourself and will sleep better.

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Intermittent Fasting and its benefits | Therese Kerr

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“Tabata” is the name of a particular type of workout program that provides similar health benefits to that of cardio workouts, but Tabata has a bit more spice. Instead of hours upon hours or exercise, Tabata can be completed in 4 minutes.  Tabata falls under the category of high intensity training or high intensity interval training.

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What is Tabata Training – Personal Training Academy

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Hi Everyone! It felt so good to get in a hard workout today! Being off my normal workout schedule has been both frustrating and motivating, because now I am raring to go! This was a tough workout to start getting back on track with, but it was just what I needed


15 Minute Cardio Sweat: HIIT Body Weight Workout

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Tabata Training | Fitcupcaker

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 What if I told you that by spending 30-45 minutes at the gym running intervals would help you lose fat faster than walking on the treadmill for four hours?Welcome to the wonderful, time-saving world of high intensity interval training! What is High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)?It’s a kind of exercise that aims for maximum fat loss in a short period of time, and it combines two kinds of training:High Intensity Training. Working out at maximum effort in order to reach VO2 max, which triggers the afterburn effect that makes your body burn calories up to 48 hours after your workout ends.  Interval Training. Alternating periods of low-intensity with moderate-intensity.

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The Ultimate HIIT Guide (High Intensity Interval Training)

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Cram it in a Tight SpaceThat’s what she said…My hotel room is quite a tight scene. Take a look at the photos … yep, tightness confirmed.No worries, I can still squeeze in some jump rope… or in this case, tight rope?Join me for this tiny hotel room HIIT workout! Today we are focusing on triceps and abs.All you need is your Dr. Sara Solomon Cross Speed Jump Rope!Hella Tight!But before I begin… did YOU enter my weekly GIVEAWAY yet? You’ll never guess what I’m giving away this week!Equipment Required:A Gymboss Interval Timer A laptop, smart phone, or tablet (to play this workout video) A Dr.

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Home Workout #26 – Tiny Hotel Room HIIT | Dr. Sara Solomon

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HIIT, Abs & What a Puppy Has Taught Me | One Sweet Heart

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Home > Healthy and fitness > Tabata Interval Training Music Tabata Interval Training MusicAugust 10th, 2013Cecilia LinClick Image To Visit SiteIf you are here, then you are probably well aware of the benefits of this incredible FOUR MINUTE WORKOUT:TABATA INTERVALS send your Metabolic Rate through the roof, Giving your body no choice but to SCORCH FAT.Most weight-loss programs cause a loss of muscle tissue. TABATA Training calls for QUICK MUSCLE RECOVERY, which orders toned muscle fibers from the body, rather than burning muscle as energy.By increasing the amount of oxygen the body can consume during strenuous exercise, You increase your aerobic capability. The MORE OXYGEN the BETTER.By increasing the amount of energy the body can produce w/out oxygen (when out of breath), High Intensity Performance in Enhanced… Go FASTER for LONGER.In 1996, Japanese fitness researcher Dr. Izumi Tabata set up an experiment to compare the effectiveness of:Studying two groups of professional speed skaters for 6 weeks, Tabata assigned one group to a workout consisting of 20 second bursts of maximum intensity exercise (w/10 seconds of recovery time), and another group to a standard 60 minute steady state aerobic workout


Tabata Interval Training Music | Tips and Recommendations

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Hey Warriors check this article/recipe… another version of the drink I recommend in all meal plans. Perfect if your not to partial to the pinch ‘o pepper.

Drink THIS first thing in the morning (3 major benefits of warm lemon water)
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Although we may go to sleep each night, our body continues to work to rebalance, heal, repair, restore and revitalize so that we can have ample energy to face the next day.

Because we are exposed to so many environmental toxins from what we breathe in to what we put on our skin, in addition to the damaging impacts of our Western diet, our body quickly shifts into toxic overdrive.

If you knew that there was one simple, inexpensive thing you could do every day to help build health and rid your body of toxins, would you do it?

Ayurvedic philosophy states that the choices that we make each day can either build us up or make us more susceptible to life-destroying disease.

Consuming a cup of warm lemon water upon rising is one small change that can make a dramatic impact on how our bodies function. If this seems too simple to be true, we invite you to read on…

The health promoting benefits of lemons is old news. For centuries, it has been known that lemons contain powerful antibacterial, antiviral and immune boosting components. We know that lemons are a great digestive aid and liver cleanser.

Lemons contain citric acid, magnesium, bioflavonoids, vitamin C, pectin, calcium and limonene, which supercharge our immunity so that the body can fight infection.

How to Make Warm Lemon Water

While it is not rocket science, making warm lemon water involves paying particular attention to a couple of things. The water you use should be purified and lukewarm. Don’t make the water super hot, and avoid cold water.

It is hard on the body, especially first thing in the morning, to ask it to process ice cold water. Always use fresh, organic lemons in your water, never bottled lemon juice. Squeeze 1/2 of a lemon into each glass of warm water. Be sure to drink the lemon water before you eat anything. This also makes a nice pre-workout drink.

Here are a few reasons why you should consider adding a warm glass of lemon water to your daily routine:

Improves Digestion: Your body works hard to digest all that you give it. Lemon juice helps flush away unwanted materials and toxins left from the digestive process. Because lemon juice is similar in atomic composition to digestive juices and saliva, it does a great job breaking down material and encouraging the liver to produce bile.

Warm lemon water is a great tonic for heartburn, indigestion and bloating. The American Cancer Society recommends warm lemon water to encourage regular bowel movements.

Balances pH: Lemons are considered one of the most alkalizing foods you can eat. This may seem untrue as they are acidic on their own. However, in the body, lemons are alkaline; the citric acid does not create acidity once it has been metabolized. The minerals in lemons are actually what helps to alkalize the blood.

Most people are too acidic (from eating too much sugar and grains), and drinking warm lemon water helps reduce overall acidity, drawing uric acid from the joints. This reduces the pain and inflammation which many people feel.

Boosts Energy and Improves Mood: Have you ever gotten up on the “wrong side of the bed?” If you are often lethargic and cranky in the morning, or any time of the day, for that matter, you may want to consider a little glass of lemon and water. Our energy comes from atoms and molecules in our food.

When positively charged atoms flood the digestive tract and mingle with those that are negatively charged, a positive reaction occurs. Lemons contain more negatively charged ions than positive ions, which gives you a boost as the warm drink enters your digestive tract.

Just the scent alone of lemons can improve your mood and elevate energy levels. Lemons also promote clear thinking and help reduce anxiety and depression. Enjoy!

-The Alternative Daily

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Episode 194 – (Mostly) Training Episode 4 Comments Monday, August 5th, 2013 We’re back!Download Episode HereTopics:[7:30] Glute Ham Developer (GHD) [19:36] Head Position For Deadlift [25:11] Correcting Squat Asymmetry [31:42] Transitioning From Endurance To Strength [35.15] Power Hypertrophy Upper Lower (PHUL) Program [39:56] Olympic Lifting Technique Work On Off-Days [46:58] SEALFit Programming, And Wife’s Recovery Power [55:06] Building An Athletic Core [1:04:10] Paleo Dating  Questions:1. Glut Ham Developer, Friend or Foe?Nick says:Hey guys.  First off, I want to say that I love the pod cast and ever since I dove into the paleo lifestyle almost three years ago, you book and podcasts have become a great source of information and guidance for me.  And Robb, being a fellow science major and guru, I love it when you geek out


Robb Wolf – The Paleo Solution – Episode 194

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