
This week may look a little different than usual because we’ll be hanging out with Joi over at Fitness RX Lady doing a 7 Day Mini Blog Challenge. Each day she has a little challenge set up for us to help make our blogs better and get to know our wonderful readers better. I may or may not do number 4. I’m not making any promises

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Upper Body HIIT & How To Get Flexible YQA! | Real Into

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QUICK HIIT: Endorphin Rush 12 min. Cardio Blast! No Gear …

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By Corrie PikulIf you’ve been sitting around for the past three months (or longer) reliving your 2000s wardrobe choices via old episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, there’s one specific way to get back in shape — fast.You heard about the interval workouts that helped your friend lose her baby weight before she finished maternity leave and the high-intensity DVDs that promised to tone you “in just 60 days.” Now even university researchers are publishing papers that sound like infomercials, claiming that you can get fit in just two weeks, using an approach called HIIT.HIIT (high intensity interval training) involves short, challenging bursts of activity with rests in between. It’s not new: Hard sprints are familiar to athletes and jocks. What’s notable is that this type of workout, which can be done in 20 or 30 minutes, has been adapted for adults of most ability levels and that it’s been compared in the lab with the traditional, I’m-getting-serious-about-fitness workouts of 45 to 60 minutes of cardio 4 to 5 times a week, with impressive results.Multiple studies led by exercise physiologist Martin Gibala, PhD, the chair of the department of kinesiology at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, have found that HIIT workouts can provide the same cardiovascular and muscular benefits in half to one-third the time as those endurance workouts, in — yes, he says it’s true — two weeks. A separate study from Ontario’s University of Guelph showed that a total of seven hours of HIIT over two weeks raised women’s fat-burning power, compared with 12 hours of medium-speed sessions

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Get In Shape Fast: HIIT Workout Offers Quick Way To Burn Fat …

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On FitnessWe all want to get more for less, including a bigger payoff from our workouts in less time.High-intensity interval training (HIIT) helps you do that by improving your current fitness level in short sessions, working to increase your metabolism and cutting your workout sessions to a fraction of the time. Interval training alternates high-intensity bursts of exercise with periods of low-intensity exercise, or active rest. HIIT requires you to raise your heart rates to 85% or more of its maximum capacity.


HIIT training produces bigger payoff with less exercise time | Health …

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By Andrew Heffernan / June 2013: Discover Something WonderfulWhen it comes to cardio exercise, most gym-goers are either hares or tortoises: They like their workouts fast and furious or they like them slow and leisurely. Hares love the intensity of going full out; tortoises relish the relaxed groove of a meditative pace.Both types of exercise have proven benefits. Problems can arise, however, when you stick too closely to one type of workout or the other. That’s because your body runs on three separate but interrelated metabolic engines: the aerobic, the glycolytic and the ATP-CP systems. (For more on these systems, see Each is built to power you through a different type of exercise.Slow and steady long-distance exercise uses primarily the “aerobic” system.

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Three-Speed Cardio : Experience Life

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Redline HIIT for 5-16-2013 – PRIDE Conditioning

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Trending Now! Incorporate High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) into your weekly exercise regimen.Posted onMay 14, 2013byOMPT SpecialistsBy incorporating High Intensity Interval Training (HITT) into your weekly exercise sessions you will experience added health benefits. High Intensity Interval Training has proven to be effective in enhancing your weight loss and improving athletic performance. The HITT workout is defined as “a system of organizing cardio respiratory training which calls for repeated bouts of short duration, high-intensity exercise intervals intermingled with periods of lower intensity intervals of active recovery” (McCall 2009).What do the benefits include?When using HIIT you are training your body to be more efficient in using energy from the anaerobic energy system because of the work-to-recovery intervals. Also this form of exercise can train the body to be more effective in removing metabolic waste from the muscles between the work intervals.

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Trending Now! Incorporate High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) into …

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Hey everybody, we have another guest post for you all today from TK Cook over at Fitz101. It is all about HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training (an exercise concept much like our own Cardio Conditioning). I’m sure that you’re going to love his post!Judging solely by the name of the concept, it would be pretty easy to guess that High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is an exercise program that will push you to your limits. For people who have no idea whatsoever about this particular type of training, it’s the only thing they know for sure about HIIT

See the original article here – 

Guest Post: Primer to HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training …

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While everyone recognizes the benefits of keeping fit, doing some cardio and having a regular fitness plan,  there’s no doubting that it can take a while to get the results you want. During this time you may plateau and seemingly stop making any progress at all, leaving you feeling like exercise is a chore. If you find that while jogging on the treadmill or sweating away at the back of an exercise class, you’re constantly clock watching then it’s time to make a change. One way to shorten your exercise time but really reap the benefits of a good workout is with HIIT, high intensity interval training.  Kaia FIT is perfect for HIIT, many of the exercises and daily workout us this system.For years people have believed that when it comes to cardiovascular, fat burning exercises if you want to see results you have to put the time, effort and hard work in

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Training Tuesdays – HIIT cardio burn! – Reno, Sparks | Kaia FIT Sierra

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The Tabata drills we’ve been adding into classes and private sessions lately elicit a lot of “OMGs” and “holy cows!” (or words to that effect). So while we’re adding them to our sessions, clients are still wondering things like if I’m saying ciabatta, or if Tabata is pronounced like Tabitha without the “th”. So I said I’d write up a little Tabata 101 low down to give everyone some background. Here we go

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trainer, crafter, kristin: Tabata 101 – Take It Outside Fitness

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