
EmailBy Live Well 360 Guest Blogger Brad ShepherdYou’re eating healthy, working out regularly, and you’re in a good relationship. Life is good. This means you should never feel stress again, right?

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Intermittent Fasting: Why It May Not Be Right For You | Live Well 360

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Living Room Workout!This is a 24-minute TOTAL BODY metabolic workout. If you adopt this training style, you will kill 2 flies with one shoe, meaning, you will get the benefits of both cardio and strength training combined into in one short, but intense workout. This is an extremely effective way to get leaner and stronger faster!You can do this workout in your living room. My living room just happens to have a plush carpet. If yours doesn’t, then make sure you place a mat (or folded towel) under yours knees when performing the ab wheel exercise.Always a Must!Don’t risk metabolic damage. I strongly recommend you read my post, “Sara’s Exercise Philosophy“.Work out in the morning. I always train in the morning. If I don’t, my motivation is non-existant after a long workday and I’ll talk myself out of training.

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Home Workout #14 – Total Body HIIT (Living Room Fun) | Dr. Sara …

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High-intensity interval training (HIIT) involves alternating brief bouts (60 seconds to 4 minutes) of higher-intensity sessions with either rest or lower-intensity workloads throughout an exercise routine.HIIT is designed for people whose primary concerns are boosting overall cardiovascular fitness, endurance, and fat loss, without losing the muscle mass they already have.HIIT training has become extremely popular in the past few years and has proven to be effective in improving athletic performance and enhancing weight loss. Recently, scientific evidence demonstrates that HIIT can induce significantly greater improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness and other physiological parameters when compared to moderate-intensity, continuous training, which is traditionally prescribed for clinical populations.BENEFITS:1. Efficient2. Burns more calories due to the workout being more strenuous, requiring more energy to recover3. Improves cardiovascular fitness4.

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HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) Burns Calories Fast and …

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In my freezer right now there is a big ball of frozen cookie dough. It’s about the size of a baseball and I really, really want to eat it. In fact, I want to eat it so badly, I’m starting to justify why I SHOULD eat it.  And of course, my mind turns right to thinking about muscle.‘I probably do need to eat a bit more today to gain muscle, gotta fuel the process you know….’Of course, there is some debate about this statement, and logically I know I really don’t need to eat the cookie dough, especially since it’s 10:05 in the morning right now.


Gaining fat to build muscle | Brad Pilon's 'Eat Blog Eat'

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Naturally, if you walked up to anybody at your local gym and asked them if they would like to learn how to get a six pack in 3 minutes they would probably jump at the chance. Of course, everybody believes such things to be nonsense. However, if you’re looking into how to build muscle you are about to discover why HIIT can produce very good results in less than half the time of regular resistance training.Gone are the days when people need to spend hours working out in the gym after a long, busy day at the office. Nowadays you can get great results in as little as half an hour. [If you don’t know how to build muscle today’s interview will assist you a lot.]The levels of variety and intensity are the two most important factors within any solid training program.

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Can You Build Muscle Quickly With HIIT Resistance Training …

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Fit4Females is excited to announce our brand new HIIT Camp Program.  We know that you are going to love it!  We offer programs for the very beginner to elite athlete and everything in between.

Originally posted here:

*New 6 week Spring HIIT Camp | Fit4Females Blog

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While everyone recognizes the benefits of keeping fit, doing some cardio and having a regular fitness plan,  there’s no doubting that it can take a while to get the results you want. During this time you may plateau and seemingly stop making any progress at all, leaving you feeling like exercise is a chore. If you find that while jogging on the treadmill or sweating away at the back of an exercise class, you’re constantly clock watching then it’s time to make a change. One way to shorten your exercise time but really reap the benefits of a good workout is with HIIT, high intensity interval training.For years people have believed that when it comes to cardiovascular, fat burning exercises if you want to see results you have to put the time, effort and hard work in. Another idea is that the larger you are, or the more you fat you want to lose, then the longer it takes.

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HIIT cardio burn! – Health & Fitness Advisory

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We’ve had some great feedback following our last post about HIIT, and one or two interesting queries about it too. HIIT has had some rather controversial coverage in recent months.  A BBC documentary implied that just 3 minutes of HIIT exercise a day is enough to change your life and get you fit and healthy.And then there was the news that Andrew Marr attributed his recent stroke to a high intensity workout on a rowing machine (combined with over-work).“I did the terrible thing of believing what I read in the papers,” Marr joked, “Because the newspapers were saying that what we must all do is take very very intensive exercise in short bursts.”If it looks too good to be true…When I was about 11 years old I received a letter informing me that I had been randomly selected as the lucky recipient of either a new video player, a holiday, or a cash prize of £500.  Of course, it was nothing more than a vacuous time-share scam, but the 11-year-old me was not to know this, and I was naturally excited.  When my dad got home from work he set me straight, and there and then I learned one of life’s most valuable lessons, “if it looks too good to be true, it probably is”This lesson has stood me in good stead.  I’m proud to describe myself as an open-minded cynic.So naturally, the notion that people could simply skip the long miles and get fit doing just a few minutes of HIIT was never going to sit right with meStart at the bottom and work your way up…“Advocates of high-intensity interval training say doing a few short bursts of exercise each week – four 30-second sprints on an exercise bike, for example – is a good way to keep fit.”  (Quote from the BBC article.)There’s a key word in there, and it’s “keep”.  It doesn’t say “get”.Common sense says that if you’re unfit, you start gently.  You progressively work your body harder as it starts to respond to the new exercise regime.  I can’t believe anyone would advocate getting stuck in the high intensity stuff from the start.  It’s an accident waiting to happen.I’m not a medical expert.  I’m not even a fitness expert, I’m just an enthusiastic amateur.  But the notion that you can transform your life and “get” fit with just 3 minutes of HIIT exercise a day is one of those “too good to be true” notions.  At least that’s my take on it.Train smart…As you’ll know from my last blog, I’m a huge advocate of HIIT.  The philosophy behind it seems pretty logical to this cynic, plus it’s worked for me!

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Our take on the High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) controversy …

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Based on cutting-edge, scientifically validated methods known only to the fitness elite, Man 2.0: Engineering the Alpha provides a step-by-step roadmap to regaining your health, looking your best, super-charging your sex life—even reversing the aging process. The systems in this book have changed the lives of countless men who’ve worked with Romaniello and Bornstein.We recently sat down with the authors of  the New York Times bestseller to address some frequently asked questions about the book.SMB Staff:The plan in Engineering the Alpha is quite comprehensive but definitely appears to be slanted towards fat loss. What do you recommend for those looking to gain muscle mass?John Romaniello:Yeah, it’s definitely a bit more of a “fat loss plan”, but there are muscle-gaining components to it. Phase 3, for example, is all about muscle gain, and phase 2 and phase 4 also have aspects there

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Engineering the Alpha – Q&A with Adam Bornstein and John …

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Share on:Facebook Digg StumbleUpon Twitter Intermittent fasting could help prevent type 2 diabetes and heart disease, according to a new report by Aston University researchers.The British Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease report suggests that intermittent/alternative day fasting can be as beneficial as having weight loss surgery for treating obesity and reducing the risk of related conditions such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes Researchers looked at a range of fasting-based diets, including the 5:2 diet which consists of five days eating ‘normally’ and two days of eating low calorie days which are called fasting days. The report, published by SAGE identifies alternative day fasting to be as effective as or more effective than counting calories every day to lose weight. Previous studies have also shown that it’s easier to adhere to this diet than it is to a general calorie-limiting diet.

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Health News – Intermittent fasting could help prevent diabetes

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