
The results of the study at hand clearly suggest: There is no single ideal type of exercise; plus: What’s optimal may change when your health / physique changes”You got to exercise!” When the average overweight patient hears these words coming out of the mouth of his doctor, the type of exercise he usually will be thinking about is “classic” steady state cardio training on a treadmill, elliptical, stairmaster, or ergometer. It’s the textbook approach and still the predominant form of exercise in most of the pertinent studies on nutrition + exercise interventions that are designed to help overweight / obese individuals shed weight and improve their health.Among the (usually) non-obese and rarely insulin resistant members of the health and fitness community this type of “cardio training” (LISS) has however gotten quite a bad rep as of late. More and more trainers suggest that it may bet better to lift weights and do the occasional HIIT sessions for everyone – irrespective of your body weight, health and training status. If we put some faith into the results of a recently published study from the University of Massachusetts this could eventually turn out to be another unwarranted over-generalization that disregards the very specific needs of lean vs. obese and insulin sensitive vs.

View the original here: 

Obesity Negates Glucose Sensitizing Effects of Resistance Training …

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Tabata Protocol – The Four Minute Exercise You Won’t Forget!It seems as though every time you turn on the TV there’s a new “miracle” workout being advertised. “Burn fat in 10 minutes!” “Shape your rear in 8 minutes!” “Completely transform your body in 5 minutes!” The reason these fads come and go so quickly? They hardly ever work. That is until Izumi Tabata came along. While Tabata doesn’t fit the image most of us imagine when we think of figures from the popular health industry, his protocol works.Enter TabataIzumi Tabata is a very non-intimidating man.

See original article here:

The Tabata Protocol – The Four Minute Exercise You Won't Forget!

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Editors Note: For those of you who follow my blog you know that I have written extensively about intermittent fasting. I have written about both the science and the practical experience I have had with IF. So when one of my friends, Emery Max, posted on his Facebook page, the dramatic changes he made to his health and physique, I wanted him to share his experience. One reason is because Emery followed the good old-fashioned bodybuilding diet that didn’t seem to work anymore (think insulin), and because he is also a very educated person as you will soon find out.

Visit link: 

Intermittent Fasting: A Firsthand Account | Justin Grinnell

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After I blogged about benefits of alternate-day fasting, a software engineer named Brandon Berg commented:I had had plantar warts for a couple of years prior to starting IF (eating in a four-hour window each night). They cleared up almost immediately.I had never heard about this effect of fasting. And the Wikipedia entry on plantar warts said nothing about this. I asked Brandon for details.When and where did this happen?I was working full time while also attending college with a 12-hour schedule or so. That may or may not be relevant; I was under a lot of stress, both in terms of the pressure to serve both masters, and the sleep I sacrificed to make it happen

Continue at source – 

Seth's Blog » Blog Archive » Does Intermittent Fasting Improve …

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After I blogged about benefits of alternate-day fasting, a software engineer named Brandon Berg commented:I had had plantar warts for a couple of years prior to starting IF (eating in a four-hour window each night). They cleared up almost immediately.I had never heard about this effect of fasting. And the Wikipedia entry on plantar warts said nothing about this. I asked Brandon for details.When and where did this happen?I was working full time while also attending college with a 12-hour schedule or so. That may or may not be relevant; I was under a lot of stress, both in terms of the pressure to serve both masters, and the sleep I sacrificed to make it happen.

Originally posted here:

Does Intermittent Fasting Improve Repair Processes? – Seth's Blog

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Surprise! Surprise! Dr. Oz is now recommending IF (Intermittent Fasting)!

Originally from – 

Dr. Oz now recommending IF (Intermittent Fasting) – SparkPeople

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Posted by Fitocracy on Sep 19, 2013 Now, before we get to the awesome information about the coaching, we want to tell you about our partner. Roman Fitness Systems is the brainchild and main brand of none other than our brother in arms (pun!) John Romaniello. Roman is a high level coach, writer and self-professed nerd.Recently, he added a New York Times best-selling book, to his resume: Man 2.0: Engineering the Alpha – A Real World Guide to an Unreal Life.In other words, Roman knows his stuff!So, with that out of the way, here’s how this will benefit you. As one of our Fito Ambassadors, he’s been looking to get involved in the community, and help more people. He’d also like to use Fito to do things that he hasn’t been able to do.You see, he runs a crazy successful one-on-one online coaching program which allows thousands of people around the world to get in shape, and he is looking for ways to make that even more accessible.

See the article here: 

Sixteen Weeks to Sexiness with John Romaniello | Fitocracy …

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John Romaniello Final PhaseJohn Romaniello- Final Phase Fat Loss 2.0The is a wellness and fitness strategy which was designed for those that are trying to lose the last 7 – 10 pounds, those that have excess fat in diverse body parts, or those that need to have to get quite extremely lean. John Romaniello is a brand new York based personal trainer, coach, exercise innovator, author, and fitness model. He is famous for Getting the proper abs inside the fitness business. As a trainer and coach, he has helped thousands of people achieve and surpass their fat loss goals

Original article:  

John Romaniello Final Phase Fat Loss 2 | Wandee2846

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I Have Never Felt Healthier in My Life It’s Friday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Friday as long as they keep coming in.

See the original post – 

I Have Never Felt Healthier in My Life

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Episode 199 3 Comments Monday, September 9th, 2013 Download Episode HereDownload a transcript of this episode hereTopics:[9:40] High Potassium Levels [14:20] Paleo For Someone With Obesity [20:18] Paleo For Nonagenarians (Age In Their 90’s) [28:32] The Over-Mineralization Theory Of Aging [36:02] Aloe Vera Juice [39:38] Nuts And Seeds With Diverticulitis [43:15] Effect Of Chewing On Tooth And Gum Health  [46:21] Dandyblend Questions:1. High Potassium levels in bloodstream-related to Paleo diet?Leslie says:Hi Robb:So my question is, could my potassium level of 5.7 (high normal is 5.3) be caused by my diet?I have been following the Paleo diet/lifestyle for more than two years now-any so-called cheats are few and far between. My diet is rich is greens-fresh, raw, organic, sautéed, roasted-and lean, mostly organic protein sources. I also eat my share of raw nuts, fruits and berries but completely avoid grains and legumes-dairy consumption occasional and to the best of my ability, grass fed.I am an extremely fit 55 year old woman who has worked out her entire life-started doing Crossfit 2 1/2 years ago. I feel great since I changed my diet; my energy has increased, I am sleeping better AND I am still making gains in the gym

See original article here: 

Robb Wolf – The Paleo Solution – Episode 199

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