
10 Reasons Why This P90X Cast Member Switched To The Daily HiitPosted onSeptember 9, 2013byJoe BovinoI have a long history with P90X.In addition to appearing as a cast member in the Arms & Shoulders DVD, I participated in the test group, became an early success story, used the program over the years to stay in shape, coached others, and consider its co-creator, fitness celebrity Tony Horton, a close personal friend who’s as good as it gets.But, truth be told, I prefer The Daily Hiit workouts to P90X these days. Here are 10 reasons why:1. It’s NewI’m P90X’d out. P90X works by creating muscle confusion to overcome fitness plateaus, but it doesn’t confuse my muscles like it used to.

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10 Reasons Why This P90X Cast Member Switched To The Daily Hiit

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Farm to Gym Challenge: Liberation from the Industrial Food System 2 Comments Thursday, August 15th, 2013 Hey folks! I’m really excited to try to charge you all up about this idea I’ve got at the end of this post. As part of the Ancestral Health Symposium for 2014, nutritionist, farmer, and author Diana Rodgers and I did a presentation called, “Liberation from the Industrial Food System”. We’ve got a short recap of the talk here and will post the video link as soon as it’s available

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Farm to Gym Challenge: Liberation from the Industrial Food System

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