
Intermittent Fasting ExplainedI get so many questions about Intermittent Fasting, so I decided to devote an entire episode of Live Lean TV to discuss the IF basics.Lets get right into it. Intermittent Fasting. Does it work? Can IF double your fat loss results?Well, I can’t personally answer that for you (yet – keep reading) cause I haven’t yet applied it to my own body. As you know, I believe in coming to conclusions based on experimenting and analyzing personal results rather than just being a “what the research shows” kind of guy.Remember, everything I talk about on Live Lean TV, I have used in my journey to Live Lean 365 days a year. I truly live my message.Now, to get to my current health and physique, I’ve followed a meal cadence of eating every 3-4 hours for 5-6 meals a day.This has worked for me.But does that mean it’s optimal for maintaining lean muscle, optimal for fat burning, and optimal for increasing mental performance and overall energy?Well I know it helps

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Intermittent Fasting 101: Can IF Double Your Fat Loss? #LLTV | Brad …

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48: James Clear | All Things Intermittent Fasting (IF 101)Posted on 09/30/2013 by Jimmy Moore • AIR DATE: October 3, 2013 at 7PM ETFEATURED EXPERT: James ClearFEATURED TOPIC: “All Things Intermittent Fasting (IF 101)”Just mention the word “fasting” to the man on the street and the reaction you’ll get from most of them would probably fall somewhere between completely scoffing at the idea to the sheer terror at the realization of going without food for more than a few hours. This concept of fasting even on an intermittent basis, as has become popularized in the Paleo community in recent years, is certainly a highly controversial and misunderstood strategy that could very well be the last piece of the puzzle in optimizing your weight and health issues. Is intermittent fasting (aka IF) the right way to go for everyone, especially for women who seem to have more difficulty with this? Is there anyone who absolutely shouldn’t IF or even those who must do it for therapeutic purposes?

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48: James Clear | All Things Intermittent Fasting (IF 101) | Jimmy …

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This book is Volume 2 of 7 of the series, “How To Lose Weight Fast , Keep it Off & Renew The Mind, Body & Spirit Through Fasting, Smart Eating & Practical Spirituality.”Intermittent fasting is becoming an increasingly-popular way to lose weight quickly without having to commit to long-term diets. By cutting out some foods from your diet and then practicing periods of fasting of just a few hours per week (for starters), it is possible to lose weight very quickly. A 4 hour fast 3 times per week can actually produce weight loss of 7-to-10 pounds per month (or more depending on your body makeup).And this is just the beginning. In ‘The Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Formula,’ the author presents a five-prong structure of intermittent fasting that can help you get started right away, even if you work full-time, have a family and follow a very hectic schedule

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The Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Formula by Robert Dave …

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In this episode Intermittent Fasting Success!, AST Ab Workout, Barbarian Arms Workout, Importance Of Triceps For Jacked Arms,Going To Failure, Fan Letters and more.Awesome Starts Today is a health and fitness podcast hosted by comedian Andrew DeWitt.Follow the show on Twitter @ASTpodcast.Use The Player Bar Above To ListenSuscribe on iTunes: for Android and Non-iTunes users: the show on Facebook: LINKS:Visit the StoreFollow Dorksplosion on TwitterSubscribe To Dorksplosion on Youtube       Comments Leave A Comment: Posted in Awesome Starts Today, Podcasts Tagged Awesome Starts Today, Podcast permalink

See original article here – 

Awesome Starts Today Podcast Ep 21 – Intermittent Fasting Success!

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Surprise! Surprise! Dr. Oz is now recommending IF (Intermittent Fasting)!

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Dr. Oz now recommending IF (Intermittent Fasting) – SparkPeople

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Are you familiar with the intermittent fasting that some people are using in shedding off their unwanted pounds? In the event that this is just the first time you hear this term, then this post will provide you the important information that you should know about this weight loss program.Intermittent fasting, or also referred as the ‘Fast Diet,’ is one of the weight loss programs that have increased its popularity in the past years. This is easy to understand since this diet program is widely endorsed by top and well-known personalities around the globe. For someone who has been trying to lose his excess weights, knowing that one diet program has the support and recommendation of the people he admired will surely convince him of trying that product without any hesitation.The intermittent fasting is featured in several commercials and advertisements wherein one person has succeeded in achieving his ideal weight by following this diet program

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Things To Know Before You Undergo An Intermittent Fasting …

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Whenever you read about the older cultures in history, or religious groups, you can always count on hearing a story or two about them fasting for a period of time. They would partake in these rituals for many reasons, but the most important was to purify the spirit or soul. Also, the other tremendous benefit from fasting is that the body and mind feel so much lighter and more focused as a result.

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Benefits of Intermittent Fasting — Jon Waters

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By David H. Rahm, M.D.Q: Over the past 20 years I’ve gained 15 pounds and I’d like to lose it.  I’ve heard that the Fast Diet is not only effective for weight loss but weight maintenance. Is this just the latest fad diet or does the Fast Diet really work?

See the original article here – 

Will Intermittent Fasting Help Me Lose 15 Pounds & Keep it Off …

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Intermittent Fasting Foundations > Added To Subscriber List Downloads PageBy Callie | August 28, 2013 – 7:24 pm | Weight Loss Dieting ebook “Intermittent Fasting Foundations” has been added to the “Subscriber List Downloads” page. Ebook covers What is the feast and famine diet? The beginning of the feast & famine diet, The benefits of the feast & famine diet, Getting yourself ready to begin, Common beginner mistakes, A Sample feast day, A sample famine day, Shopping guidelines, Incorporating the feast & famine diet into your lifestyle longterm and Conclusion – Tips to begin your diet journey today. Personal Use

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Intermittent Fasting Foundations > Added To Subscriber List …

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Intermittent fasting is one of the simplest and most effective weight loss tools out there and it’s certainly something that should be part of your diet plan. To burn fat efficiently, dieting is a must so read the whole article to not miss out on this opportunity to learn about all the different methods of fasting!Are you a slave to your appetite?Well it should be the opposite!  You should be the master and in control of your appetite.Let’s take a look at how you can do it…intermittent-fasting-feedingYou can actually look at fasting as a form of training instead of just a dieting protocol.  There are a lot of benefits to fasting that are eerily similar to the benefits from exercise.…But that’s a discussion for another day. Today, I want to talk about why anyone would want to train to fast.  The reason to train to fast is the same to train for anything – To get better at it.Just like training for a sport, you put in the effort because you want to hit certain performance goals and experience that gratifying feeling of winning a game and owning that sport.  When you put in the effort into mastering the skill of fasting will help you hit your body composition goals AND give you the gratifying feeling of being able to eat big, satisfying meals in the process.Become the Fasting NinjaAs with any complex skill, I recommend working your way up to almost daily fasting.Now, you don’t have to do this.  Heck, you don’t have to fast at all.  But this eating structure will work for you extremely well if you are fan eating big meals. Just like training for anything else though, there comes a point of diminishing returns and after that the burnout.  You don’t want to exercise for ten hours a day because you’ll overtrain and probably get injured in the process. Similarly, you don’t want to overdo it with fasting because at some point, your body will fight back and you’ll experience several negative effects such as decreased energy levels and metabolic slowdown.However, when done right, when you are in that sweet spot of intermittent fasting, it’s the opposite.  You feel more energetic, enhance your fat metabolism, etc.The key is to work your way up to that sweet spot.  I favor the 16/8 fasting/feeding split suggested by Martin Berkhan from Lean Gains. For me, the easiest and most natural way to accomplish this split is to fast until noon or later and then eat my meals throughout the remainder of the day.Remember, intermittent fasting is supposed to simplify your life and give you a break from having to worry about food.  So there’s no need to be militant about the feeding window.  Sometimes I’ll feed between noon and 10pm.  Sometimes between 2pm and 8pm.  Once you become a fasting ninja, you just sort of go with the flow of your day without worrying about watching the clock.

Read this article:

Muscle Pyramid — Intermittent Fasting for Newbies

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