
Yesterday I read another article that took the position of excess calories not CAUSING weight gain. Instead, the authors argued that somehow sick/diseased/altered body fat caused us to overeat, thus causing body fat. Their theory put the blame on insulin and carbs (excess insulin MAKES your fat sick).While I have concerns over this line of thinking that I’ll share in a different post, the main question that swirled in my head was “If so many people have issues with eating carbohydrates, then why can I eat carbs?”The easy answer to this question would be the ‘snowflake’ defense – That I’m a unique little snowflake, special in this world. I have some sort of rare unique ability to process carbohydrates…  But that’s not a probable answer.I, like most of us, am average. Sure, we all have areas in life where we excel, but physiologically speaking I’m not gifted by any means, but I do eat carbs… lots of them

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Why can I eat carbs? | Brad Pilon's 'Eat Blog Eat'

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In the last couple of weeks I’ve spoken in-depth about the importance of focusing on what fits as opposed to focusing on what’s right.In other words, paying attention to what works for you as opposed to the specific reasons why different approaches MIGHT work.I guess another way of looking at is ‘application’ vs ‘theory’.As an example, Eat Stop Eat is the right ‘fit’ for me. Fasting once or twice a week for 24 (ish) hours works well FOR ME. It has worked for me for over 7 years and I’m guessing it will continue to work for me in the foreseeable future. Eat Stop Eat is what ‘fits’.Now, I could get easily get tangled up in how Eat Stop Eat is RIGHT.Maybe it’s the carbs. After all, I do go 24 hours twice a week where I have virtually no dietary glucose load.

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Fit vs Right | Brad Pilon's 'Eat Blog Eat'

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The reviews are in for the current metabolic resistance training (or MRT) program here at Boom Bodyshaping Studio……and there’s definitely some mixed emotions I’m not sure if “enjoying” is the right word. Maybe “appreciating” is a better way to describe the feelings.Appreciating the feeling of accomplishment after completing one of the most challenging metabolic programs we’ve done in a while.Appreciating the (slight) muscle soreness that comes after a demanding workout like this.And I’m sure they’ll be appreciating the inches coming off over the next 4 weeks as a reward for the hard work put in.Metabolic resistance training is awesome for that – burning fat while maintaining or increasing lean muscle.This is due to the structure of the workouts when designed properly.Before we get into what this looks like……let’s remember the Hierarchy Of Fat Loss:1. NUTRITION2. Strength Training3

See original article here:

Fat Loss Workouts: Metabolic Resistance Training Edition …

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43: John Romaniello: Engineering the Alpha – Knowledge For Men

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120Let’s say you meet a new person at a party this weekend.Isn’t it interesting how you might say, “What do you do?” and they might reply, “I’m a marketing manager,” but if you dig — if you really connect — you might discover that they lived in Kenya for two years, they started a non-profit, and they’re getting their scuba certification?How often does that happen…vs. us just saying, “Oh, cool. Well, I’m going to get some celery…bye!I always admired people who had weird, fascinating backgrounds. For example, in college, one of my professors was a nuclear risk analyst before she became a psychiatrist specializing in trauma. She could make connections that the rest of us couldn’t even fathom.I decided to study a totally interdisciplinary set of courses, including psychology, decision-making, con men, deception, magic, seduction, risk, and human-computer interaction

From – 

How to get out of your comfort zone – with John Romaniello – I Will …

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7-Minute HIIT Workout Printable Poster | POPSUGAR Fitness

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Did you catch my article in The Anchor last week about the Hamster Wheel? Did I leave you wondering what you should be doing for cardio? If spending more and more time working harder and harder isn’t right, what is?What if I told you that you could cut your cardio time in half and get the same or even better results? Quick and easy answer is interval training! Specifically high intensity interval training also known as HIIT.


Columnist Gutierrez: Give HIIT a Chance! | The Anchor Weekly – The …

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Cardio (Pyramid Style): -3 min walking (warm up) -HIIT Jog (level 1 time length) Sprint (level 1) Jog (level 2) Sprint (level 2 – increase time) Jog (level 3 – increase time) Sprint (level 3 ) Jog (level 4 – increase time Sprint (level 4) Jog (level 5 – increase time) Sprint (level 5 ) Jog (level 4 – decrease time) Sprint (level 4) Jog (level 3 – decrease time) Sprint (level 3) Jog (level 2 – decrease time) Sprint (level 2) Jog (level 1 – decrease time) Sprint (level 1) -3 min walking (cool down) Abs:-Cable rope crunches-Decline crunches holding plate-Russian twists holding dumbbellDollar a Day Training: Downloadable version includes time, incline, and speed specifications for the cardio intervals, further details on the pyramid style, and step by step instructions for the ab workout; I included my personal training tips and exercise descriptions for the abs movements.buyFor the week’s combo pack (meal plan & 5 workouts): buy Confession: I worked really hard up until the holidays to ensure that when I took my Christmas vacation, I could take a more relaxed approach to healthy eating and workouts. I found it difficult to jump back into my normal routine when I returned home and found myself in a bit of a motivational funk. If you can relate…it’s okay – it happens to so many of us. I usually take those times to get an extra bit of sleep, do extra stretching, use an off day to get to yoga…anything to help my body recover.

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FitnessBarbie: Pyramid Style HIIT Cardio & Abs – 1/29

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Few things taught in the Bible have seen such an uptake recently as fasting. Open the pages of any fitness and health magazine and you’re bound to find the words “Intermittent Fasting” somewhere. So what is this all about?tl;dr – click to read summaryResearch shows that Intermittent Fasting has effects on insulin levels and the production of growth hormones in the body. Therefore, it may have long term health benefits, although no research shows significant different to other type of diets with reduced calorie intake.Pregnant women and Diabetes patients should avoid Intermittent Fasting. First, let’s look at how Wikipedia defines Intermittent Fasting:Intermittent fasting (IF) is a pattern of eating that alternates between periods of fasting (usually meaning consumption of water and sometimes low-calorie drinks such as black coffee) and non-fasting.So this means that Intermittent Fasting is not a diet per se, but an eating pattern, designed to improve health and longevity.

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Intermittent Fasting — Does It Really Work? –

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A new article from examines the pros and cons of intermittent fasting eating plans.( — January 28, 2014) — A new focus on intermittent fasting, specifically the 4:3 diet, has drawn new attention to the benefit of periodic fasting for weight loss. A new informative article from examines benefits and drawbacks associated with intermittent fasting.It seems that people looking to lose extra fat are turning to intermittent fasting on a more frequent basis. By definition, intermittent fasting refers to consuming a set amount of calories during a specific time period, and not eating at all the rest of the time. As example, the 5:2 fasting plan encourages people to eat normally for five days, then fasting for the remaining two days a week.If intermittent fasting plans are shown to be a positive way to lose weight, they could prove to be a real health benefit for men. Research demonstrates that these eating plans appear to be popular and preferred by men.

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Intermittent Fasting: Review of the Latest Diet Trend –

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