
Tue 02-04-2013Intermittent FastingThe most common question I get asked at the moment as a nutritionist is “Does intermittent fasting work or is it a diet ‘fad’?”  When I answer, “Yes, the current scientific evidence is very compelling” the next questions come thick and fast…“How do I do it?”“How long do I have to do it for?”“Won’t I feel starving?”“What do I eat when I’m fasting?”“What do I eat when I’m not fasting?“How does it work?”The list goes on and the answers are less clear. Hence here I am, writing a blog to hopefully make it all a little less discombobulating.So intermittent fasting …. What is it and how does it work?Intermittent fasting is having regular fasting times during the week when you eat no or few calories for a set period. That period has been set from 16hrs to 48hrs depending on the trial.  The truth is, how often and how long you should fast depends on your lifestyle and goals.

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Intermittent Fasting | Frameblog

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Intermittent fasting is easy…starvation not so much. Until recently I recommended 5 to 6 small daily snacks/meals spaced evenly throughout the day to stoke one’s metabolism. Most nutritionists and dieticians still cling to this maxim although the science on its effectiveness is quite sketchy. It works for some people, many others not so much.


Joachim's Training Post: Fast (ing) Weight Loss: Intermittent Fasting

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This is the final part in our five part series on intermittent fasting.Over the past few days, we’ve highlighted three different intermittent fasting methods available to you. These are by no means the only options, and I encourage you to research this subject further. The best intermittent fasting method is the method that works for you. Intermittent fasting is not a necessity to achieve good health. It is merely one of many tools you have at your disposal

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Intermittent Fasting Part V – Wrap Up | CrossFit 269 – Kalamazoo's …

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the buy gw2 gold is so soft They’re a excellent buy gw2 gold for the winter. I bring all of them the time. I received them in chesnut and overall genuinely like them. A good guild wars 2 gold HIIT Education and learning Scenario. HIIT (Intense Period of time Training) is very advocated just by physical fitness experts today, which is producing new avenues in support of weight loss to get men and women globally.

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A guild wars some gold HIIT Education and learning Illustration …

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ADD this Infographic to your Website/Blog:Simply copy the code below and paste it into the HTML of your blog or website:More Health and Fitness News & Tips at Greatist.Love this graphic? Buy the poster through Greatist’s online store!The Complete Guide to Interval TrainingTargeting Maximum Fat Loss Through High-Intensity Interval TrainingHigh-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a popular form of exercise that combines two of the most effective fat-burning methods.The first is high-intensity training, which pushes the body to maximum effort to achieve muscle fatigue and maximum oxygen use in a quick burst. The harder muscles work, the more oxygen they require. This is measured relative to one’s VO2 max, which is the highest amount of oxygen your body consumes during exercise


The Complete Guide to Interval Training [Infographic] | Greatist

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How to Use Metabolic Resistance Training with ZERO EquipmentMike Whitfield, CTTCome on knock on our door. We’ve been waiting for you. Remember that? That was the introduction to “Three’s Company” years ago.

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How to Use Metabolic Resistance Training with ZERO Equipment

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Interval training is often a type of discontinuous physical education that entails a series of low- to high-intensity exercising workouts interspersed with rest or relief periods. The high-intensity periods are typically at or close to anaerobic exercise, when the recovery periods could involve either complete rest or activity of reduce intensity.Interval training can refer to organization of any cardiovascular workout (e.g. cycling, running, rowing, and so on.), and is prominent in lots of sports’ training. It is a technique particularly employed by runners, but athletes from various backgrounds have been known to utilize this type of training.Continue reading for a great starter guide to interval training

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Understanding Interval Training | Conquer Being Fat

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Forget the fountain of youth or anti-aging potions, the secret to extending youth is all in what you eat or don’t eat. Intermittent fasting combined with exercise can actually reverse the aging process in your muscle and brain tissue! If a younger, rejuvenated body and mind interest you, than intermittent fasting is a lifestyle worth investigating. Simple calorie restriction has long been known to increase life span, but it is unpleasant. Daily calorie restriction is closely associated with depressed mood and irritation (Roky, et al., 2000), but there is an alternative

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Sunwarrior Blog › Intermittent Fasting – Getting Younger Every Day!

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Posted by Mike Stickel on Tuesday, July 19, 2011Over the past two years I’ve been following the conventional mantra of eating smaller meals often and generally following guidelines set out by the Beachbody programs I’ve done (e.g., P90X, Insanity, etc. [affiliate links]). As you can see from my transformation story it’s worked great so far.More recently I discovered the Paleo/Primal lifestyle and Intermittent Fasting. After reading more and more about these lifestyles it’s easier for me to relate to them than it is for me to relate to conventional wisdom (a term Mark Sisson uses to describe the current widespread health information/thought) — at least as far as eating goes.For the last month or so my nutrition goals have aligned more with Paleo/Primal standards as much as possible

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Now for something a little different: Intermittent Fasting …

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Being the first entry on this website, – I am going to share with you something that will be actually helpful in your goal to get the body you desire!Scratch that – This book is what you MUST READ to lose fat if you do not want to be concerned about counting calories and watching what you eat and what not.==> Let’s look at intermittent fasting in a different perspective with this review of Eat Stop Eat by Brad Pilon.The Introduction of Eat Stop EatBrad’s Eat Stop Eat system has become really popular amongst the media and everybody who wants an easy way to lose body fat without having to count calories or stick to a time table of eating 5 to 6 meals a day.There is nothing complicated in this method. It is simple a book that shows you how to live your life the way you want without having to limit your self in watching what you eat or staring at that clock to eat every 2 to 3 hours or counting calories and portion sizes of everything you eat.>> Click Here for Try on the Eat Stop Program for $9.99I personally don’t like being controlled. I have a big family and in order to socialize well especially with my work and my business, I really get stressed out with all of the problems I mentioned above.How Does Eat Stop Eat Work?What the diet basically suggests is that you follow one or two 24 hour fasting periods twice a week where you will eat nothing but stick to water and zero calorie foods and beverages.That’s just the conclusion of Brad Pilon’s powerful book, but the principles behind this system and the right way to make it work to lose a lot of fat fast is outstanding.In order to lose 1 lb of body fat, you need to burn 3500 calories. When you eat normal five days a week and perform one or two 24 hour fast periods, you basically cut down on a calorie intake of over 1500 to 3500 calories!Of course you will now be worried about starvation mode and muscle loss

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Brad Pilon's Eat Stop Eat Reviewed – The Verdict is… |

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