
October 26, 2013 | By Dr. Sara Solomon The Ultimate 4-Minute Workout!Are you strapped for time, but still want to incorporate exercise into your day? Then do my Tabata workout! It’s suitable for both home and hotel room workouts!Tabata training:Is a type of high intensity interval training touted as the most intense and effective way to burn fat.

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Home Workout #33: Tabata Torture | Dr. Sara Solomon

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Cardio | Dec 12, 201110 New Fat-Blasting Tabata Workouts Take your tabata off the treadmill and torch calories in 4 minutes with these moves Known as the closest thing we have to a fitness miracle, the Tabata workout is loved by researchers and fitness pros alike for its unparalleled fat-torching abilities and simplicity. To do a “Tabata,” simply pick an exercise and set a timer for 20 seconds on and 10 seconds rest. Do the exercise as hard as you possibly can for 20 seconds and then rest for 10, repeating 8-20 times total. Don’t be fooled: These moves may seem simple, but they’re not! If you’re not seeing stars by the end, you’re not pushing hard enough.

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Bicycle Sprints – Cardio Exercise: 10 Tabata Workouts for Interval …

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