A Few Good Snacks… 11 Comments Friday, November 8th, 2013 So last week was Halloween and let’s face it – some of the ‘treats’ that may have found (or are still finding) their way into your mouth are downright scary. Did you know that there are 25 ingredients in Plain M&M’s, 19 in a Snickers bar and 28 in an Almond Joy? And I don’t know about you but if I were going to write a recipe for something with ‘Joy’ in the name PGPR and Sodium Metabisulfite wouldn’t be top contenders for the ingredient list… Be afraid people. Be VERY afraid.Halloween aside healthy snack and treat options are few and far between and these days, life moves pretty fast. Eating on the go is the rule rather than the exception. Finding Paleo friendly foods that travel well, are nutritious, contain quality ingredients, and that aren’t laden with ‘natural’ sugars is quite a feat.
See original article here: