Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Fat Loss Abs and Performance with Victor Costa from Vic’s Natural Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Fat Loss A…Video Rating: 4 / 5


Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Fat Loss Abs and Performance with …

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Generally, Intermittent Fasting means a process that alternates between periods of fasting and non-fasting. Also, it enables you to refrain from eating for a short period of time that includes a span of 22-28 hours. Moreover, it is important to know that the time period of 22-28 hours is optimal for lowering blood insulin levels and it tends to increase your natural human growth harmone levels (HGH).

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What is Intermittent Fasting? – Intermittent Fasting Plan for Effective …

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I want to share with you a very powerful technique for reducing body fat while improving your health and longevity. But I need to warn you that this nutritional strategy goes against the advice you’ll probably receive from the mainstream fitness industry. If you’ve read my other posts you know I’m not one for following the trends, and I like to keep an open mind to unorthodox methods for improving our bodies, as long as they are based on evidence. I encourage you to be open-minded as well and to read through this entire article before making any judgement calls. Also be sure to check out the additional information / resources I’ve included with the links below.The fat loss strategy I want to introduce you to is called “Intermittent Fasting” (IF)

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Intermittent Fasting for Faster Fat Loss

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Yesterday I wrote a post about how you should go ‘back-to-basics’  if you have stopped getting weight loss results from your intermittent fasting routine (You can read it HERE). Basically, I was suggesting that our natural tendency is to add complication in order to ‘speed things up’ especially where weight loss is concerned. Despite our natural tendency to always want to add complication, my advice is if weight loss slows or stops your best bet is to remove complication instead of adding to it.Today’s post will be about what happens when you are already back-to-basics and for some reason you are still having some problems with weight loss.In this example you are doing Eat Stop Eat perfectly: One or two fasts per week, no crazy binges, no crazy restrictive dieting, no excessive exercise, a good well designed workout program. You were losing weight and everything was great. Then one day…nothing.In this situation the first thing I want you to do is RELAX.

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Help with fasting, part 2 | Brad Pilon's 'Eat Blog Eat'

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Here are nine reasons women should not be afraid of gaining muscle: Muscle helps you live longer! According to Tufts University, the more muscle mass you have, the greater your longevity potential. Muscle is the number one biomarker for longevity.

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Why women shouldn't be afraid to strength train | Creative Fitness …

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