
Home / Fit Journey / Advanced / Workout I Did: A Run-Happy-Is Earth-Day HIIT SessionWorkout I Did: A Run-Happy-Is Earth-Day HIIT SessionApril 22, 2013 by Jenn Run happy is Brooks, I concur!Just a reminder that this is our new feature called Workout I Did. Today’s is extra special and sponsored by Brooks Running. Read them all and feel the workout love here! Happy, happy Earth Day

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Workout I Did: A Run-Happy Earth-Day HIIT Session …

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High Intensity Interval Training, or (HIIT) for short, has become all the rage for people looking to spice up their dull cardio routines and get leaner than they have ever been before.HIIT is a training protocol that involves periods of maximum effort followed by active rest. For example, you could sprint as fast as you can for 60 seconds, followed by walking for 60 seconds, then repeat. Such a workout could be completed in 30 minutes or less.Advocates of HIIT, such as the good people at Simply Shredded, argue that HIIT, as opposed to steady state cardio, is a better way to burn calories and reduce body fat. They highlight some of the research that has led them to this conclusion: “One of the earliest studies, done by researchers at Laval University (Ste-Foy, Quebec, Canada), kept it basic, using two groups in a months-long experiment.

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Bob Wells Fitness: HIIT Your Way to a Leaner Body

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Metabolic resistance training can take many formsWhat are your goals with your workout? This is something I ask every boot camp member or potential personal training client who comes into our Circle Pines Personal Training studio.The reason for this is that it is vitally important to have goals for your workout. Now 95% of the women I work with all have the same personal training and fitness goals: Lose weight and tone up. And the best way to do both of these is through a secret of your very own Lino Lakes Personal trainer: metabolic resistance training.Now that sounds like a lot of fancy big words, so what exactly does this mean? Can’t I just go to whatever Lino Lakes fitness center I use and run on the treadmill?Not if you want best results

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Metabolic resistance training?-Lino Lakes Fit4life

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Seth Kapoi, UNLV student and ACSM Certified Personal Trainer, comes back this week with a full-body workout using high-intensity training with the Tabata method. This form of training will give you both an aerobic and …

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What To Know About Intermittent Fasting At February 19, 2013 By admin In Healthy Living 0 What To Know About Intermittent FastingIf you’ve just started working with your personal trainer Melbourne, you’re already getting the help you need on the workout side of the equation. But, what should you be doing when it comes to your diet plan?Diet and exercise go hand in hand when you want to transform your body, so now that you have your personal trainer Melbourne by your side, you need to consider the nutritional approach you should use.One approach that more and more people are growing increasingly interested in is intermittent fasting.Let’s take a closer look at what you need to know about intermittent fasting to see if it’s right for you.It’s Great For Those With Busy Schedules Can’t seem to find the time in the day to cook and eat your meals? If so, intermittent fasting could be for you. The great thing about this diet protocol is that you only will be eating for a short time frame each day and the rest of the hours you won’t have to concern yourself with food.For those who don’t want to stop and eat six times a day, it’s ideal.It’s Ideal For Those Who Prefer Larger, More Satisfying Meals Second, this approach is also perfect for those who find they are never satisfied after eating six small meals a day.When using the frequent meal approach, your calories per meal are going to be much lower and more like snacks than full blown meals.For some people, this just makes them feel hungrier throughout the day.If you feel like that describes you, you’ll definitely do well with the intermittent fasting approach. You’ll get to have far more calories per meal and thus can eat foods that you may not typically get to eat using the mini-meal set-up.It Can Help Boost Energy And Insulin Sensitivity Another nice thing about intermittent fasting is that some people find that they actually have more energy on this approach.

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What To Know About Intermittent Fasting | Result Based Training

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With the state of the nutrition world, it’s difficult to know what to eat and what to avoid. One week eggs are good for you and the next they are comparable to smoking. My personal favorite is eating fat will make you fat, so eat more carbs (not true).

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St. John's Personal Trainer | Intermittent Fasting with Jason Maxwell

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Venturing into the weight room can be overwhelming at times. People grunting in the corner while heaving heavy dumbbells, weights clanking together on a barbell; and to top it all off, there’s a sea of machines with multiple moving parts and levers. Toss in choosing the right exercises and number of sets and reps, and strength training can seem overly complex (calculator anyone?).But there is a method to the madness. When done effectively, lifting weights offers amazing benefits, not only for building bigger muscles and achieving that desired physique, but also boosting your resting metabolism (translation: burn more calories outside the gym!) . Regular strength training can even improve mood and confidence levels .Ready to find that perfect training plan


How to Make a Strength Training Plan (and Keep It!) | Greatist

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Are you ready to lose fat and build endurance and strength in less time? If so, get ready – you’re about to learn about a cardio method that only takes 20-30 minutes three times a week and gives you the same (if not more) benefits as steady-state cardio.I frequently mention HIIT – high-intensity interval training – on Facebook and Twitter because it’s my get-it-done cardio method. I get bored doing long bouts on the elliptical and HIIT makes the time go fast. Not only can I burn mega calories but I feel energetic for hours after HIIT and have seen my aerobic endurance increase.And just as with weight lifting, you need to vary your cardio workouts to continue seeing results. If you use the same speed, for same amount of time, on the same machine day after day, your body will soon adapt and stop working as hard

Originally posted here:  

Using HIIT for Weight Loss, Endurance & Strength

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