So since I’ve been on strict Paleo for the past 2 weeks I’ve been trying to get into fat burning mode aka Ketosis the process in which we switch from using carbohydrates and glucose for fuel to burning fat as energy. Going to into Ketosis really has helped me lean out and get muscle definition especially in the ever so hard lower mid section. It also has provided me with more energy and curb my cravings for sugar and grains.

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MarkGLiving » Workout Wednesday MarkGLiving HIIT #1,

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We love Tabata interval workouts. It’s four minutes of high-intensity training, alternating between 20 seconds of max training followed by a 10-second rest for a total of eight rounds. These workouts are fast-paced and fun and burn up tons of calories. In this workout, we bring you two sets of Tabata, plus a little warmup and cooldown


VIDEO: Blast Calories With This 10-Minute Tabata Workout!

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High Intensity Interval Training… which constitutes a lot of the methodology which we have adapted for Scozzie and squash specific demands… gets a lot of press… and here’s a little more…


Scozzie Squash | HiiT

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09.17.13 by wildmanlax Core Circuit:3 x 12 eachTurkish GetUps (6 each arm)Strict Toes to BarWeighted Russian Twist (35 lbs)Strength:Bench Press (Hands 12? apart)5 x 65%, 5 x 70%, 5 x 75%, 5 x 80%, 5 x 85%*Use 90% 1RM to calculateMet-con:3 Rounds:10 Strict Pullups20 Lumberjack Slam BallsRest 3 min.4 x 40 yds. Walk back to start for recovery.Post weights and times to comments. This entry was posted in lax hiit and tagged lacrosse strength and conditioning, lacrosse workout.

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wild man lax | lax hiit 9.17.13

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September 10, 2013A) Dynamic Upper Body Warm UpExplosive Push UpsB) Upper Body Strength SupersetFloor Press (bodyweight) – ME/ME/ME supersetStrict Chin Ups (bands if needed) – 3 sets x 8 – 12 repsC) WOD6 Rounds (18 minutes)90 seconds work : 90 seconds rest200m Sprint (starting on the deck)Max. L-Sit HoldD) MobilitySHARE THIS

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Interval Tuesday H.I.I.T / Dragon CrossFit / Fire Breathing Fitness …

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Tabata and HIIT workouts are here to stay.  Both workouts are based on a brief period of intense exercise followed by an exercise of lower intensity or a rest period.In the case of HIIT training, the participant does about one minute of a high-intensity cardio exercise, followed by a lower intensity exercise that can be either cardio or strength based.  My favorite form of HIIT training is to do a high intensity cardio exercise (burpees, mountain climbers, power air jacks) followed by a strength training exercise that uses multiple muscle groups (clean and press, split squats with bicep curls, lateral lunges with lateral shoulder raise).  It’s a good way to get a full-body workout in a short amount of time.Below is a HIIT workout that you can do at home with minimal equipment.  To get the most benefit from the workout you’ll need a set of dumbbells in the five to 10 pound range.Ten Minute HIIT WorkoutBefore you begin, do a warm up for about three minutes.  Walk or march in place, or back and forth across the room, while doing arm swings and circles.Then, complete all of the exercises in the following circuit for one minute.*Note – the cardio exercises are intense, but they only last one minute.  If they seem hard at first, just know that they will get easier each time you do them.Cardio One – Mountain Climbers – from a plank position with both hands and toes on the floor, quickly exchange your feet as though you’re running place on your hands for one minute.  If you can’t do a full minute when you start, no worries.  Take a little break and start again when you’re ready.Strength One – Clean and Press  – With a dumbbell in each hand, squat making sure you push your hips behind your knees.  As you come up from the squat, do a bicep curl with both arms. When you’re back in the standing position, push both arms overhead and do a shoulder press. Return to the squat position and repeat.(This picture shows doing the clean and press with a kettle ball.  If you have a kettle ball and want to use it, that works. A dumbbell works as well.)Cardio Two – Plank Jacks – from a plank position with both hands and toes on the floor, do a jumping jack with your feet (hands stay in place) as quickly as you can for one minutes.  As with the mountain climbers, do as many as you can at first, rest, then start jumping again.Strength Two – Stepping Lunge with Bicep Curl – with a dumbbell in each hand alternate stepping feet out to a lunge position while arms do a bicep curl.Cardio Three – Burpees – you probably remember these from P.E

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A Ten Minute HIIT Workout You Can Do At Home.

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Metabolic resistance training (MRT) is a relatively new development in the fitness industry. Metabolic resistance workouts are intense. They don’t look like your standard weight-training session, but their results cannot be ignored.How Metabolic Resistance Training WorksThe goal of MRT is to maximize fat loss and muscle growth by taking advantage of your body’s various responses to exercise.EPOCMRT accelerates fat loss through the Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC) phenomena. During an intense workout, you consume elevated amounts of oxygen to fuel your body. After exercise, your body is in oxygen debt, so you continue to intake oxygen at a higher rate until you gradually return to your steady state.


Metabolic Resistance Training: The New Way to Burn Fat and Build …

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Hi Everyone!Tonight’s workout is a 10 Minute HIIT Cardio Blast. There is a focus on the large muscles of the lower body, which leads to major calorie/fat torching. It was a fun, and challenging 10 minute workout. I warmed up with a 1 mile run on the treadmill, and followed this workout with 2.1 miles. I stuck to a comfortable pace

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Melissa Bender Fitness: 10 Minute Cardio Smash: HIIT

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Warm Up:Hollow rock, forward monkey crawls, lateral moneky crawls, 1 min PVC pass throughsMobility:Banded hip openers, banded sampson, banded shoulder stretchStrength: Sots Press 5-5-5-5 (nothing heavier than 50% 1RM of strict press) CrossFit_SottsPressWOD: “Tabata Something Eleser” 8 intervals each  (16 minutes)BurpeesSit-upsPush-upsSquats*Each interva is (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off)* This entry was posted in WOD by mikeyman77. Bookmark the permalink.

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6 Jun 13 “Tabata Something Elser” | Hanscom Warrior Training

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Posted by John Romaniello on Jun 5, 2013Strength Training John Romaniello is a highly regarded fitness brothority, angel investor, and all around nerd. As the founder of Roman Fitness Systems, Roman maintains a popular blog and runs and online coaching business that helps thousands of people around the world get sexy. Visit John on his website, Facebook, Twitter, Fitocracy or Google. This article was first posted on Roman Fitness Systems.You may not know this about me, but I’m a bit of a gambler. I don’t really mean in the casino-sense of the word (although I do love me some poker), but I definitely gamble when I make decisions in almost any area of my life.

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Century Sets: The Best Bad Idea Ever and 100 Reps of Awesome …

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