Insane Leg Strength HIIT Workout Dec 9, 2013 Email EmailWorkout equipment:Workout type: 12 minuteTimer setting: 18 x :10 x :301. High knees w/ jump rope2. Pistols3. Push ups4. Bulgarian split squats (L)5
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Insane Leg Strength HIIT Workout Dec 9, 2013 Email EmailWorkout equipment:Workout type: 12 minuteTimer setting: 18 x :10 x :301. High knees w/ jump rope2. Pistols3. Push ups4. Bulgarian split squats (L)5
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Hi Everyone! It’s a HIIT day! I love interval training, and this full body routine was fun.
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Melissa Bender Fitness: 15 Minute HIIT: Quick Full Body Workout
October 15, 2013 | By Dr. Sara Solomon 10 Minutes and 120 Push-Ups!This HIIT HELL workout is the perfect home or hotel room workout to do when you are in a rush! Cheers to metabolic training, baby! Today you will be alternating jump rope with push-ups. Oh, did I mention you are doing 120 push-ups?Don’t waste your time on the elliptical for 30-60 minutes a day doing LISS (low intensity steady state cardio) because you’d be further ahead folding socks.
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Speed Master HIIT Workout Oct 2, 2013 Email EmailWorkout equipment:Workout type: 12 minuteTimer setting: 18 x :10 x :301. High knees w/ jump rope2. Step ups3. Burpees4. V ups5.
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I woke up feeling slightly flat and just did not feel like hitting the full bodyweight workout. I decided instead to make it a Tabata day! That turned out to be the right choice. After the stretching regimen, I had a good, challenging, solid, BUT short workout! I did, however, substitute the rope jumping for the Tabata cardio, which I have to get back to
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Monday-September 9, 2013-Strong Tabata Workout – BodyBlogs …
What is HIIT?HIIT stands for high intensity interval training. HIIT is a method of working out in which you alternate low intensity moderate training for higher intensity training. High intensity training usually has less rest in between sets, and you are often working at very intense levels, whether is lifting more weight than you’re usually accustomed to, or sprinting harder than you would normally.
Here we go again. Another one from the beach. Sticking with the same intervals this week, just changing up the moves.Roll-ups and Lateral Push-ups back to back. 1 min work
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NHF Weekly HIIT (high intensity interval training) | Nick Holt Fitness