
Cardio (Pyramid Style): -3 min walking (warm up) -HIIT Jog (level 1 time length) Sprint (level 1) Jog (level 2) Sprint (level 2 – increase time) Jog (level 3 – increase time) Sprint (level 3 ) Jog (level 4 – increase time Sprint (level 4) Jog (level 5 – increase time) Sprint (level 5 ) Jog (level 4 – decrease time) Sprint (level 4) Jog (level 3 – decrease time) Sprint (level 3) Jog (level 2 – decrease time) Sprint (level 2) Jog (level 1 – decrease time) Sprint (level 1) -3 min walking (cool down) Abs:-Cable rope crunches-Decline crunches holding plate-Russian twists holding dumbbellDollar a Day Training: Downloadable version includes time, incline, and speed specifications for the cardio intervals, further details on the pyramid style, and step by step instructions for the ab workout; I included my personal training tips and exercise descriptions for the abs movements.buyFor the week’s combo pack (meal plan & 5 workouts): buy Confession: I worked really hard up until the holidays to ensure that when I took my Christmas vacation, I could take a more relaxed approach to healthy eating and workouts. I found it difficult to jump back into my normal routine when I returned home and found myself in a bit of a motivational funk. If you can relate…it’s okay – it happens to so many of us. I usually take those times to get an extra bit of sleep, do extra stretching, use an off day to get to yoga…anything to help my body recover.

Original post: 

FitnessBarbie: Pyramid Style HIIT Cardio & Abs – 1/29

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(KPLR) – Cason, from C3 Fitness, stopped by to show John Fuller some HIIT – high intensity interval training to get a great workout in a short time.Find out more: www.c3fitness.netRound 1 (4 minutes)2 sets high knees, 2 sets of plank punches, 2 sets of jumping jacks, 2 sets of side skatersRound 2 (4 minutes)2 sets of jump rope 2 sets of high/low boat 2 sets of line jumps 2 sets of push-upsRound 3 (4 minutes)2 sets of burpees 2 sets of Russian twists 2 sets of squats 2 sets of lungesRound 4 (4 minutes)2 sets of mountain climbers 2 sets of push-ups 2 sets of split squats 2 sets of box jumps

More here – 

Cason: HIIT High Intensity Interval Training |

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I happen to be a list person. I love lists, and statistics as well, and one of my favorite routines as the end of the year approaches is creating the New Year’s Resolution List. My usual approach is to write down all the things that I plan and hope to accomplish during the next year, but this time I decided to change the strategy a little.I was curious to see what other people place on top of their NYRL, and was not surprised to find out that 37% of people who do lists set weight-related goals. This is outnumbered only by resolutions related to education and self-improvement, so it’s quite obvious that people are interested in managing their weight more efficiently.And as I write this word, “efficiently”, the first thing that comes into my mind is TIME. If people would manage their time better, they would have more time for workouts and therefore better results in terms of weight management, in the long run

See the article here:  

Less Time, Better Results: HIIT Workouts Rivertea Blog

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10 seconds Rest, 50 seconds Max Effort 1. High Knees or Jump Rope2. Surfer Burpee3. Side Kick Hop (right)4.

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Melissa Bender Fitness: 10 Minute HIIT Cardio Interval: Sweat Not …

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High Intensity Interval Training Abs WorkoutThe benefits of interval training are many, including: increasing endurance, improving acceleration and speed, and burning more calories in less time. Basically, it makes you more athletic, quicker, and accomplishes what you would on a treadmill in a third of the time! Plus, it revs up your metabolism and keeps you burning fat for hours longer post workout which will help give you great looking abs. Now these exercises for abs is not for wussies, so get ready to put on your big boy pants and kick your abs butt with this H.I.I.T workout specifically targeted to your abdominal area for ripped abs!Repeat this abs workout twice a week for ripped abs you wouldn’t believe.Recommended for this routine: Water for hydration, a heart monitor, and an interval timer. We use the Gymboss Interval Timer, which is perfect for precise timing.H.I.I.T.

This article is from:  

H.I.I.T Your Abs Workout – Skinny Ms.

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Body Sculpting HIIT: Workout Infographic ! It’s time for yet another fat burning, muscle toning and metabolism boosting workout! The Body Sculpting HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workout will only take you about 15 minutes to complete, but don’t get fooled, this type of workout will get you ripped and shredded if you give it your 100%.Timer SettingsYou will need to set up your interval timer to 12 sets of 30 seconds (exercise) : 10 seconds(rest) intervals.


Body Sculpting HIIT: Workout Infographic ! | My Fit Station

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