
Contemporary scientific evidence suggest that you have to pick the right type of (short intense) exercise if you don’t want your beta alanine supplement to end up as another “false starter” in your closet. In the past couple of weeks beta alanine (BA) has gotten some bad press, here at the SuppVersity. While some conspiracy theorists may already have smelled a personal vendetta of a sodium bicarbonate advocate like myself against its ‘high tech competitor’, the actual reason for the negative, or at least not necessarily exciting news is the exercise specificity of beta alanine (BA) supplementation.The most recent BA study from the University of Bern and the Swiss Federal Institute of Sport in Switzerland and the Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden is yet another rather disappointing BA study to support my previous assertion that the benefits for the average gymrat are largely overblown.What did the researchers do As Gross et al. point out, the aim of their two-part intervention study was to alter the physiological systems discussed above in ways that could improve severe exercise performance

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Beta Alanine Fails to HIIT Back – SuppVersity – Blogger

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HIIT Me! Category: Blog Published Dated: October 24, 2013 Written by: Jessica What’s the top trend in the exercise world right now?  After surveying more than 3,800 fitness professionals, the American College of Sports Medicine has identified high-intensity interval training (HIIT) as the current top fitness trend.  What does that mean for you?  If you come to some of my classes, including boot camp, you might realize that you’re already totally on this bandwagon and loving it . . . at least what it does for you, right? If you’re not yet aboard and you’re curious about HIIT training, here’s the gist.  Work as hard as you can for about 20 to 30 seconds and then recover at a lower intensity before hitting it again.  Tabatas, sprints, high knees, air jacks .

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HIIT Me! | Real Food Fitness

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Sixteen weeks of resistance training can decrease the risk of metabolic syndrome in healthy postmenopausal women Original Research (231) Total Article Views Authors: Conceição MS, Bonganha V, Vechin FC, Berton RP, Lixandrão ME, Nogueira FR, Souza GV, Chacon-Mikahil MP, Libardi CA Published Date September 2013 Volume 2013:8 Pages 1221 – 1228DOI: Received: 20 February 2013 These dates are only available for papers published since January 1, 2012″ /> Accepted:16 March 2013Published:16 September 2013 Miguel Soares Conceição,1 Valéria Bonganha,1 Felipe Cassaro Vechin,2 Ricardo Paes de Barros Berton,1 Manoel Emílio Lixandrão,1 Felipe Romano Damas Nogueira,1 Giovana Vergínia de Souza,1 Mara Patricia Traina Chacon-Mikahil,1 Cleiton Augusto Libardi21Exercise Physiology Laboratory, School of Physical Education, State University of Campinas, Campinas, 2Laboratory of Neuromuscular Adaptation to Strength Training, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilBackground: The postmenopausal phase has been considered an aggravating factor for developing metabolic syndrome. Notwithstanding, no studies have as yet investigated the effects of resistance training on metabolic syndrome in postmenopausal women. Thus, the purpose of this study was to verify whether resistance training could reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome in postmenopausal women.Methods: Twenty postmenopausal women were randomly assigned to a resistance training protocol (n = 10, 53.40 ± 3.95 years, 64.58 ± 9.22 kg) or a control group (n = 10, 53.0 ± 5.7 years, 64.03 ± 5.03 kg). In the resistance training protocol, ten exercises were performed, with 3 × 8–10 maximal repetitions three times per week, and the load was increased every week. Two-way analysis of variance was used to evaluate specific metabolic syndrome Z-score, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, fasting blood glucose, triglycerides, waist circumference, blood pressure, strength, and body composition.

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Sixteen weeks of resistance training can decrease the risk of metaboli

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Episode 195 7 Comments Monday, August 12th, 2013 Download Episode HereTopics:[5:37] Is Offal Necessary [11:12] Test Tube Meat Revisited [17:57] Packaged And Processed Guacamole [21:58] Cologne [27:58] An Epidemic Of Absence [38:33] Sarcoidosis [41:54] Building Shoulder Size And Strength [48.52] Training For The Sport Of Crossfit Questions:1. OffalLaura says:I am really enjoying my paleo lifestyle and I do have a question …Do I really have to eat “offal”?I have been vomitting up liver since childhood and I really can’t stomach even the thought of any other type of offal.I have been talked at incessently regarding my lack of full paleoness.I recently read “The seven shades of paleo” which I found very informative and I have decided that there is an 8th shade and that is those of us who are allergic/intolerent/can’t stand certain paleo food.Thanks again for being so brilliant at seeing the wood for the trees.You are a very good writer.Thank you.Laura2. Test Tube MeatChris B says:Just wanted to get your take on test tube meat that’s in the news now. Do you think it could be a solution to people getting high quality meats with good nutrients?Here is news story:

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Robb Wolf – The Paleo Solution – Episode 195

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Pin It (NaturalNews) People want to lose fat, gain muscle, and not spend a lot of time doing it. An easy way to accomplish this is… There is no easy way. The quickest and most effective way to lose fat and increase muscle is through High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). HIIT is based on short, intense burst of full capacity exercise followed by low activity or rest in intervals

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Burn fat, build muscle, and better your health in less time with HIIT

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I promised that I would be posting more videos for you to see for our athletic high intensity interval training workout. Below is the video for Volleyball. If you have trouble viewing the video you can also find them on YouTube under (Sport name) Metcon, Lisa MathewsVolleyball 1.


Fever For Fitness: Athletic HIIT Training Videos

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At we believe in the benefits of HIIT, and are proud to supply equipment and guidance on how to get the best out of it.  Here, our blog contributor and marathon runner Andy Glass shares some if his first-hand experiences and thoughts on the subject, starting with the basics…What is “HIIT”?HIIT is an abbreviation for High Intensity Interval Training.  It’s not new, back in the old days we runners used to call them “fartleks”, but I guess I can see why that name was never going to become fashionable.However, as heart rate monitor training experiences a growth in popularity (not least due to the availability of low cost and accurate heart rate monitors) there is a more interest in the benefits of training in the different “heart rate zones”, which has put a spotlight on HIIT.This is a good thing.  I write as a keen and vocal advocate of HIIT.Mile 25See, once upon a time there was this girl from my running club who told me about the brilliant speed training sessions she’d been going to at the local athletics track.  Sounds good, I thought.  I can’t claim to have had entirely honourable intentions, but to cut a long story short we’ve been an item for 14-months, and I’ve never been a better or faster runner than I am right now. In the last year I’ve blitzed PB’s in every race distance I’ve entered.  I recently knocked 12-minutes off my marathon time, missing out on the holy grail of a sub-3hr by just two minutes.HIIT has unlocked speed I never knew I had. What does HIIT involve?As the name suggests, High Intensity Interval Training involves short bursts of hard and strenuous exercise, followed by a brief period of rest to recover, and then repeat until your lungs feel like exploding.In our case this involved 2 to 4 minutes of running at speed around a track, with up to 60 seconds to recover.  This would be broken into two or three sets of maybe 4-6 reps, with perhaps a longer recovery period of 5 mins in between.  The torture would eventually come to an end after 50 minutes or so, accompanied by a strange sense of well-being and a deep rooted conviction that “we’ve earned that pizza now”.Who would benefit from HIIT?In short, anyone.  It’s a lot to put your body through, so I wouldn’t recommend commencing a high intensity exercise program without establishing a good level of underlying fitness first.  However, it is a great way to “move up to the next level”, and perfect for those that love to feel the burn…HIIT is far from the preserve of runners, it’s applicable to most forms of sport where improved endurance, strength, stamina and speed are beneficial.  And who says you have to be playing sport to benefit?  The improvements in fitness, muscle tone and general conditioning can be enjoyed by anyone!I know a few self-styled fitness buffs that are actually a little bit scared of proper hard work; they safely plod along in their comfort zone whilst telling themselves they are working hard.  It’s common sense to me that the body will improve in proportion to the amount of stress we put upon it – put the work in, get the results out.Get ripped… look younger…I’m sorry for that cheesy subheading, however, for once I don’t think it’s a vacuous claim.  I’ve never believed in shortcuts, and HIIT is not one.  It’s hard work.  But I believe it’s efficient and effective hard work for the results you can achieve.Through high intensity training, your body adapts to become more efficient at producing and using energy.  You burn more calories during an HIIT session than you would with a gentle workout, and this continues long after you’ve finished.By forcing your muscles to work harder, you cause microscopic tears in the muscle fibre.  Your body will repair this “damage” whilst you are resting and recovering, which burns calories (and fat).  As this process continues your muscles will grow, your body fat reduces, and you look more toned and defined.It is this on-going cycle of rejuvenation that’s behind the “look younger” claim too.  There are far too many self-propagating myths on the internet already about this topic, and apologies for adding to it, but speaking as a natural born cynic this one makes logical sense to me,The key to HIIT is getting your heart beating fast enough!High Intensity Interval Training is a perfectly descriptive name.  The high-intensity bit refers to your heart rate –  and you need to be pushing it up close to it’s maximum for short intervals.This is where you smart phone can help

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Sports Gadgets » What is HIIT? – Sports

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Strength Training To Increase Metabolism Category : Athletic PerformanceWhether you’re an athlete taking your sport very seriously or someone just trying to lose weight or improve overall fitness, strength training can be an invaluable tool. In fact any form of resistance training created to challenge your body to work harder than normal, will bring many added benefits! But of course the correct form of exercise is crucial as the metabolic rate can vary from person to person!So Can You Simplify This?You certainly can my friends – the crux is how different and how much strength training can boost the metabolism. This can also include endurance training like running or jogging

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Strength Training To Increase Metabolism | Gnet Health and Fitness

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Strength Training To Increase Metabolism Category : Athletic PerformanceWhether you’re an athlete taking your sport very seriously or someone just trying to lose weight or improve overall fitness, strength training can be an invaluable tool. In fact any form of resistance training created to challenge your body to work harder than normal, will bring many added benefits! But of course the correct form of exercise is crucial as the metabolic rate can vary from person to person!So Can You Simplify This?You certainly can my friends – the crux is how different and how much strength training can boost the metabolism. This can also include endurance training like running or jogging. But the fact is it can have a terrific impact on your ability to lose body fat and decrease weight

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How to Increase Metabolism with Strength Training Exercises | Gnet …

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