
Metabolic Resistance Training Wednesday, May 29th, 2013 at 10:10 pm What is Metabolic Resistance Training?In this blog post Craig explains what is metabolic resistance training!Here is what Craig has to say about Metabolic Resistance Training:“What is Metabolic Resistance Training (MRT)Anytime you use supersets or circuits to train with an elevated heart rate and insufficient recovery, you are doing metabolic resistance training.BUT, the metabolic resistance training used by Turbulence Training readers isdifferent……I’ve modified the heavy metabolic resistance training and also incorporated metabolic resistance conditioning, using lighter resistance AND less rest.And so thanks to these short burst workouts, you build muscle and lose fat at the same time, while getting lean and even having ripped six-pack abs, all without cardiovascular training OR interval training.In fact, you DON’T even need fancy, expensive equipment. Instead, you can focus on using bodyweight exercises, dumbbell and kettlebell exercises, or even TRX exercises. That’s a lot of variation, and perfect for keeping your muscles guessing.”  Click here to read more on Metabolic Resistance TrainingWhat a great video right?

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Metabolic Resistance Training | Fitness HQ

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Share on:Facebook Digg StumbleUpon Twitter Intermittent fasting could help prevent type 2 diabetes and heart disease, according to a new report by Aston University researchers.The British Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease report suggests that intermittent/alternative day fasting can be as beneficial as having weight loss surgery for treating obesity and reducing the risk of related conditions such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes Researchers looked at a range of fasting-based diets, including the 5:2 diet which consists of five days eating ‘normally’ and two days of eating low calorie days which are called fasting days. The report, published by SAGE identifies alternative day fasting to be as effective as or more effective than counting calories every day to lose weight. Previous studies have also shown that it’s easier to adhere to this diet than it is to a general calorie-limiting diet.

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Health News – Intermittent fasting could help prevent diabetes

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If you’ve been even remotely involved in the nutrition or fitness community over the past few years, you at least know the term intermittent fasting (IF). Enthusiasts praise its pattern of orchestrated eating and abstaining for everything from improved immunity to mental clarity and, of course, fast fat loss.IF involves periods of alternately eating and fasting. Beyond that, definitions widely vary.

See the original article here: 

Fat Loss & Fast Metabolism with Intermittent Fasting? Not So Fast JJ …

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Q&A: Rest Between Exercises Written on March 29, 2013 in Exercise, Q&AHello there! If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to our email list for free updates on this topic! Question:How long should I rest between exercises?Answer:It depends on your goals and your current level of conditioning.If you’re just starting out I recommend resting just long enough after an exercise to not feel winded when starting the next. Depending on your condition you may not feel winded at all, especially since your focus during the first few weeks should be on learning and practicing proper form rather than training intensely. However, as you become more skilled, learn to train more intensely, and gradually use more resistance you will start to experience a greater metabolic and cardiovascular demand, especially during compound exercises involving large muscle groups.At this point, if you are only concerned with increasing muscular strength and size it probably makes little difference whether you rest a few minutes between exercises or rush from one to the next.

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Q&A: Rest Between Exercises – High Intensity Training by Drew Baye

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Happy Fitness Friday (well, now it’s Saturday but we’ll roll with it…)! I’m trying to focus the first few posts on workouts that you can do at home or at the gym with bodyweight or minimal equipment before I start getting into more complex workouts that use a variety of equipment. Today I have a 20-minute tabata workout for you.What is tabata?Tabata-style workouts are a form of high intensity interval training where you work a certain movement or exercise at max effort for 20 seconds with a 10 second rest for a period of four minutes.What are the benefits of tabata training?When you work short bursts of all-out effort you are training in an anaerobic pathway.

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Tabata Training 101 & 20-Minute Workout | Peanut Butter Runner

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How to Use Metabolic Resistance Training with ZERO EquipmentMike Whitfield, CTTCome on knock on our door. We’ve been waiting for you. Remember that? That was the introduction to “Three’s Company” years ago.

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How to Use Metabolic Resistance Training with ZERO Equipment

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