The more you eat, the less flavor; the less you eat, the more flavour. ~ Chinese proverb Click to tweetI never thought I would try something such as Intermittent Fasting IF.I first heard about it from my brother-in-law, then a client mentioned it to me, and then I read Kate Langbroek’s article in the paper.So, after some research, I decided to give IF a try to see whether it would increase energy levels and mental clarity, as others had claimed. I also wanted to see how it would affect my relationship with food, including understanding my hunger cues. It was an experiment.Before I dive into what I discovered, let me first share the IF method I used.

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Intermittent Fasting: 7 things I discovered about hunger | The Mindful …

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Tabata Training is a High Intensity Interval Training Workout that lasts four minutes and consists of several different exercises, 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off (rest periods after each exercise.) There are many forms of full workouts, exercises to incorporate, and each workout can be designed to give you a different result, depending on what goals you are working towards. Tabata Training is great for calorie burning, muscle endurance, agility & speed progress, and lean muscle development. Technically, you should stick with the four minute workout in these specific 20 second on, 10 second off “zones,” however, if you are a first-time “Tabata-er,” or a deconditioned individual, you may choose to change this based on your current fitness level.Tabata training was born after Japanese scientist Izumi Tabata and his colleagues compared the results of moderate intensity training and HIIT. The study evaluated two groups of speed-skating athletes. The first group trained on ergonomic cycles at moderate intensity for one hour, five days per week, for a total of six weeks.

Read this article: 

High Intensity Tabata Training – Skinny Gene

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Kitty Litter HiiT!Many of you have asked me to create a workout using common household items.I just happened to have two 16 pound jugs of kitty litter in my closet!This workout killed me! It’s crazy intense!Equipment Required:Two 16 pound kitty litter jugs. If it’s not in your budget to buy 2 kettlebells, then this is a very inexpensive alternative.You don’t have to use kitty litter jugs. You can use milk jugs, dumbbells, medicine balls, or kettlebells.Always a Must!Read my workout rules before you begin!Drink your BCAAs!Stay hydrated with water.I like to add BCAAs


Home Workout #45: Kitty Litter HiiT | Dr. Sara Solomon

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Via & Author Mark D. StephensonNow a new method of training called suspension training can be used for those facing a lack of proper training facilities. Suspension training was re-introduced as a method of training by former navy SEAL Randy Hetrick who was responsible for the physical fitness of his team members. Deployed soldiers do not necessarily have weight training facilities and often have to resort to implement training for resistance. Looking for ways to maintain his and his team’s operational readiness, Randy utilized parachute cords and materials thathe looped over elevated beams to increase resistance for rows and presses using only body weight and gravity, thus suspension training was born.

Excerpt from: 

The Rebirth of Suspension Training | Performance Course

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December 30, 2013 | By Dr. Sara Solomon Happy New Year!Kick off the new year the right way! My home workouts are quick and easy to include into your hectic schedule 365 days a year. Don’t fall into “the notorious New Year’s Resolution pattern” of joining a gym for 2 weeks and then falling off the bandwagon. The key to COMPLIANCE is selecting a program that you can MAINTAIN and ENDURE 365 days a year.

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Home Workout #42: Back in Shape HIIT | Dr. Sara Solomon

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Happy Holidays! Let’s get SHREDDED!Christmas is behind us and we are full speed ahead for the New Year and the New Bodyweight Shred Challenge!If you participated in the last challenge, you KNOW how much fun this is going to be – so SIGN UP RIGHT NOW – I will only be sending the challenge workouts to people who are on the New Year’s Challenge List!——> Sign Up for the New Year’s BodyWeight Challenge!To help you get in a little bonus post-Christmas fat burning, here is a BONUS workout you can do this weekend!HOT BODY TIP: Keep in mind that when you work against the clock, you not only override your inner slacker (lol) you also bump your heart rate up enough to create what’s known as the “afterburn effect” – which keeps you burning fat and excess energy for hours after your workout! Talk about making fat cry!! Speaking of make fat cry, the official shirt is now available – and you can get yours anytime! Just Click Here!These high quality all-cotton tanks are made by the same company I get my “eat clean train dirty” shirts from, owned by my good friend Samya who is in the business of being awesome herself

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Days of Christmas Bonus HIIT Circuit (VIDEO) | Betty Rocker

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This month, a diet company named a product Fast-5. The company functionally said that Fast-5 isn’t significant because it doesn’t sell anything. They assert that because Fast-5 doesn’t track membership or quantify sales and participation, they aren’t infringing on a valuable trademark.We disagree and we’re taking steps to help Fast-5 overcome the infringement on its trademark, but until that happens, it’s time to set the record straight. The REAL Fast-5 isn’t selling answers! It’s growing community and helping people to find real, sustainable success.We plan to do our part to help make 2014 Fast-5’s break out year

Original link:

The Real Fast-5 : Intermittent Fasting Diet and Lifestyle Video | Did I …

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December 23, 2013 | By Dr. Sara Solomon 4-Minute Holiday Workout!It’s Christmas Eve! But that doesn’t mean you’re not going to exercise!

See original article: 

Home Workout #41: Christmas Cardio & Abs Tabata | Dr. Sara …

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4 Minute Fat Burning Tabata Workout – Burn Fat up to 24 Hoursby Skinny Ms.It’s time to kick your fat blasters up a notch! What’s better than pure cardio that burns fat? Add a little weight to that cardio and burn even more fat! Something as light as two water bottles or two-pound weights can help give you that extra burn you’ve been looking for.  Tabata Interval Training is a workout that you do for only a few minutes, but burns fat up to 24 hours after your workout! In this slightly advanced tabata workout we are going to incorporate light weight and the high intensity of interval training to help you boost your metabolism and burn fat in record time!Ready to TRANSFORM YOU BODY? Check out Total Body Transformation Program for all fitness levels.What you need: water for hydration, a yoga mat or soft surface, some sort of light weight such as 3 pound weights or water bottles, and an interval timer

View post:  

4 Minute Fat Burning Tabata Workout – Skinny Ms.

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December 16, 2013 | By Dr. Sara Solomon Lean for the HolidaysToday’s HiiT workout targets your core and glutes. We are doing as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes.Stay LEAN this holiday season using my time-saving and effortless approaches to fat loss:1.

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Home Workout #40: Santa's Butt & Gutt HiiT | Dr. Sara Solomon

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