Intermittent fasting (IF) has become the latest diet fad and the subject of several books. IF diets purportedly accelerate fat loss and some proponents go so far as to claim you can build muscle while fasting. Trouble is, in addition to losing fat, a study by Wilson et al (1) shows that you could also be losing muscle, or at the very least, not building muscle.Most IF plans tout the benefits of fasted weight training. Some suggest 10 g of BCAA during training. But according to the study, consuming leucine (BCAA) without ample carbohydrate present prevented protein synthesis

See original article here:  

T NATION | Intermittent Fasting Kills Muscle

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You simply cannot start “working out” too early – even if it’s just child’s play.”Three for one!” No, I am not trying to sell you three bottles of “uberpotent” test-boosters for the rat of one. Three for one that’s the SuppVersity Figure of the Week and it is the ratio of the decrease in breast cancer risk in women and the hours of physical activity per week during their adolescence. According to a 2004 review by Lagerros, Hsieh and Hsieh, each additional* hour of weekly physical activity is associated with a -3% risk of developing breast cancer later in life (Lagerros. 2004)Needless to say that the “additional” hours are in addition to the low physical activity in the laziest of the study participants, who had a 20% higher risk of developing breast cancer than their most active peers.So what else do we have today


Energy Drinks Before Workout Make You Thirsty. Single HIIT …

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I’ve recently been introduced to a new type of workout, called Tabata Training. If you’re not familiar with Tabata, it’s a basic workout form of high intensity interval training with enormous benefits. The idea behind Tabata is to workout as hard as you can for only 4 minutes and it will have the same benefits as 30 minutes or more of cardio.Photo Credit: www.tabatatraining.orgTabata was founded by a Japanese scientist named Izumi Tabata, who conducted a study comparing moderate intensity training with high intensity training. The athletes who trained with moderate intensity workouts for 5 days a week for 6 weeks showed an increase in their cardiovascular system, but little results in their anaerobic system.

Read the article:  

Tabata Training – FORM Magazine

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