Jazzed Up Jacks and Jumps Tabata WorkoutJazzed Up Jacks and Jumps Tabata WorkoutJazz up your cardio routine with our Jacks and Jumps Tabata workout! Complete each exercise as fast as you can for 20 seconds each with 10 seconds in between each exercise for a total of 8 exercises/1 tabata. Change it up and complete each exercise 8 times for a 32 minute tabata workout! Who said Jumping Jacks can’t be fun AND give you a phenomenal workout?What you’ll need: Jump Rope, Gymboss or similar interval timer, water.Jumping JacksSquat JacksSquat ThrustJump RopeSquat JumpsJump Side to SideBurpeesHigh KneesParticipants of this workout should speak with their doctors about their individual needs before starting any exercise program.
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